Almost all of us have a pedometer on our phone. And many people obsessively check whether they have managed to overcome the magical barrier of 10,000 steps . However, it is not entirely clear where the belief that walking such a distance ensures health and well-being comes from. Researchers believe that the whole concept appeared in 1965, when a Japanese company released a pedometer called "Manpo-kei" , which means 10,000 steps. Dr. Shawn Arent, a physician and head of the sports and science center at the University of South Carolina, said in one of the interviews that those 10,000 steps were more marketing than science. Doubts made researchers decide to take a closer look at the potential health benefits of walking such a distance every day.
In a study published in 2019 in JAMA Internal Medicine, scientists wanted to check whether a higher number of steps per day was associated with fewer deaths among older women. 16.5 thousand were tested. women. Their average age was 72 years. They found that women who took an average of 4,400 steps a day had a 41% lower risk of death than those who led a sedentary lifestyle. The greater the number of steps, the lower the risk of death 1.2 .
Other studies show that walking a distance of approximately 10,000 steps every day - i.e. approximately 5-6 km, which takes a little more than an hour depending on your pace - helps you lose excess weight . Overweight and obese people who took part in the study lost just over 5 pounds (or 2.5 kg) 3 .
However, researchers indicate that many factors influence the overall health and well-being - the ability to cope with stress, the quality and length of sleep and the type of diet . If we neglect these areas, walking several kilometers a day and counting steps will not make us a picture of health. "Let's face it: if your diet is poor, you don't know how to manage stress and you don't get enough sleep, these 10,000 steps will not be a cure for everything," Dr. Arent said in an interview. Moreover, meticulous step counting can be deceptive . Activities such as yoga, rowing or stretching - although demanding on the body and bringing a number of benefits - will not be included in the overall balance.
The World Health Organization recommends 150 minutes of physical exercise and movement per week . Available data shows that virtually every activity has a positive impact on health. When counting steps and setting a goal of 10,000 steps a day, what is valuable is that you pay attention to your lifestyle and include daily activity in it. For many people who are just starting to monitor their walking activity, this habit can be a good start and wake-up call. You may often be surprised at how little we move . When you can see it on your smartphone screen, it's easier to get motivated. Research from 2011 shows that for healthy adults, a reasonable daily goal is between 4,000 and 18,000 steps 4 .
Bibliography: Bedosky Lauren, “The Last Word: Do You Really Need to Take 10,000 Steps a Day?”, January 12, 2022, Lee I, Shiroma EJ, Kamada M, Bassett DR, Matthews CE, Buring JE. Association of Step Volume and Intensity With All-Cause Mortality in Older Women. JAMA Intern Med. 2019;179(8):1105–1112. Schneider PL, Bassett DR, Thompson DL, Pronk NP, Bielak KM. Effects of a 10,000 Steps per Day Goal in Overweight Adults. American Journal of Health Promotion. 2006;21(2):85-89. Tudor-Locke, C., Craig, C. L., Brown, W. J. et al. How many steps/day are enough? for adults. Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act 8, 79 (2011).
Napisała: Anna Stachowiak
Journalist, editor. Mainly interested in social and health issues. Publishes in the weekly " Przegląd ". A lover of active recreation, a healthy lifestyle, testing theories in practice and delving deeper into the topic. Privately, she is the mother of a rebellious 3-year-old and a yoga adept.
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