
4 ways to improve your mood during Blue Monday.

Czas czytania: 2 min
Opublikowano 13/01/2023
4 sposoby na poprawę humoru podczas Blue Monday.

This year, Blue Monday, the most depressing day of the year according to some, falls on January 16. Most of us will be at work that day. How to improve your mood?

While the scientific community calls Blue Monday itself and the "mathematical" formula created by Cliff Arnall as "nonsense" , this term has made a dizzying career all over the world. Arnall was tempted to designate the worst day of the year, taking into account several factors: the level of debt, the amount of salary, the time that has passed since Christmas, the weather and the amount of sunlight, failure to keep New Year's resolutions, the level of motivation and the need for action. He created a pattern that scientists call "nonsense" and launched Blue Monday into the world. Regardless of whether Arnall's concept convinces us or not, it is worth knowing some effective and simple methods to improve your mood.


It is known that how we breathe has a huge impact on us, and breathing is of key importance, for example, in yoga or meditation. There are various breathing techniques, and the one recommended by therapist Darlene Mininni, author of, among others, book "The Emotional Toolkit", involves taking 3-second breaths, holding the breath for 3 seconds and exhaling for 6 seconds. This way of breathing delivers more oxygen to the brain, causes the heart to beat slower, and at the same time dilates blood vessels, which increases blood flow. This causes the feeling of anxiety and fear to decrease because the body sends a signal to the brain that there is no threat and that the "fight or flight" mechanism needs to be activated. The advantage of this method of relaxation is that this technique can be used anywhere, without interrupting other activities - during a meeting, at the desk or while performing other business activities.


We wrote about the beneficial effects of mindfulness techniques on well-being here . This is a very simple method of relaxation and concentration that works immediately. In short, it simply involves focusing on a specific fragment of reality: a sound, an image or sensations coming from the body. You can focus on your breathing or the music in your headphones, or imagine your favorite quiet place - the possibilities are endless.

Give yourself a hug

This is an option for those who have close friends at work. These people can improve their mood by hugging them for twenty seconds. Research shows, as therapist Terri Orbuch wrote in the book "Finding Love Again: Six Simple Steps to a New and Happy Relationship", that a hug lasting just 20 seconds improves the mood. This is because touch and closeness increase the level of oxytocin.

Eat something good

It has long been known that good food improves your mood. When planning your day, remember to take a tasty, nutritious lunch with you or plan your work so that you have time for a good lunch in the canteen. And speaking of plans, it's also good to find time for at least a 15-minute walk before work. If you take public transport, you can just get off two stops earlier and continue walking. You will get oxygenated, improve circulation and release endorphins.

The publisher does not conduct medical activities.