
What to eat in winter to refresh yourself?

Czas czytania: 2 min
Opublikowano 07/02/2023
Co jeść zimą, aby się pokrzepić?

In winter, we gain an average of 3 kilograms. Metabolism slows down, and during the infection season, immunity is put to a severe test. It doesn't have to be this way! Diet can help.

The days are short, the weather is not optimistic, and SAD ( seasonal depression) affects many people. All this means that we often reach for unhealthy, high-calorie snacks, masking the extra kilos with large sweaters. While a few squares of chocolate have never harmed anyone, regular snacking can (and probably will) make you gain extra kilos on the scale. This is not the only problem: in winter we need a little more energy and our immune system needs additional support, so it is worth paying special attention to what we eat.

First of all, in winter, during short, gray days, it is worth taking care of the appropriate level of vitamin D. Already in 1822, Jędrzej Śniadecki proved that children who spend little time in the sun are more susceptible to rickets. This was a discovery of fundamental importance, as it allowed us to conclude that the cause of vitamin D deficiency is its insufficient skin synthesis (especially in our latitude). Vitamin D has a beneficial effect on bones and muscles, as well as teeth. The beneficial effect of this vitamin on the immune system has also been proven - it strengthens the body's immune response and has anti-inflammatory effects. In winter, when many people experience SAD, i.e. seasonal depression of mood, it is especially worth taking care of a diet rich in vitamin D, because it is highly active in the nervous system and it has been proven that vitamin D deficiency is associated with mood and mental disorders.

Since there is not much sun, let's focus on diet. What to eat to provide your body with the right amount of vitamin D? Rich sources are fatty fish, eggs, milk and hard cheese, because the diet can only cover about 20%. vitamin demand D, it is worth considering reasonable supplementation.
What else? Also in winter, remember to eat five portions of fruit and vegetables. Let's reach for broccoli and cauliflower, rich in vitamins. C. It is worth paying special attention to red pepper, which contains capsaicin, an alkaloid that stimulates digestion and causes an increase in body temperature. Turmeric, which has fantastic anti-inflammatory properties, has a similar effect, especially in combination with pepper. It is also worth including warming and anti-inflammatory ginger in your diet, even in hot drinks. It is worth choosing local products - instead of lemons and mangoes, eat apples and pears. A good solution are frozen vegetables, dried fruits, nuts and pickled vegetables - we should eat them every day. Pickles contain large amounts of antioxidants and probiotics, which are responsible for the body's immunity and inhibit the action of free radicals. By eating pickles, you will provide your body with vitamins C and E, increase the amount of useful probiotics, prevent constipation and other digestive problems, prevent infections caused by microorganisms, and regulate your cholesterol level. It's really worth it, because pickles are delicious, cheap, easy to make - and healthy.

Let's also remember to drink warming drinks - fruit teas and herbs, as well as the so-called "golden milk" (we wrote more about this drink here). Instead of sugar - a spoonful of honey. Instead of processed foods, it is worth choosing thick, filling soups - it is always worth adding turmeric, pepper and ginger, as well as garlic.


  1. https://pacjent.gov.pl/diety/jedz-kiszonki-wzmocnic-odpornosc-przed-zima
  2. https://health.clevelandclinic.org/5-foods-for-winter-weather/

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