
What does winter swimming give us?

Czas czytania: 2 min
Opublikowano 08/03/2023
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Increasingly popular around the world, winter swimming is not a new trend - it has been practiced for centuries. It is worth overcoming your resistance to immersing yourself in cold water, because the effects of winter swimming on your health are invaluable.

Social media is full of people smiling in icy water. Women in bikinis and warm hats who have just started their adventure with winter swimming assure that it is the best decision of their lives and encourage them to try this extreme sport. Winter swimming is not a magic cure for everything, and it also carries the risk of serious consequences, including heart attack and hypothermia, so you need to approach your new hobby very carefully.

However, let's not get discouraged - it is worth arming yourself with knowledge and preparing for your first winter swimming (and subsequent ones). Swimming is simply a short bath in cold water - in the sea or in a lake.

First of all, consult your doctor before swimming for the first time. If your doctor gives the green light, find a group of experienced walruses - don't try this alone! It's more fun and safer in a group, and you can get a lot of valuable advice from more experienced winter swimming enthusiasts. Before you enter the water, warm up - just a few minutes of exercise on the shore will suffice. To warm up, you can also drink warm tea - it's worth having it in a thermos. And that's it - you can enter. Gradually . Slowly and not for long, you have to get used to it. It is worth buying appropriate footwear - information about which type can be found on many websites devoted to winter swimming - as well as a hat, gloves and a poncho. They are applied quickly and allow you to warm up quickly.

What does winter swimming give us?

First of all, it improves the functioning of the immune system because it drains the lymphatic vessels, which improves the functioning of the lymphatic system. At the same time, it increases the number of cells that fight infections . It also has a fantastic effect on the circulatory system, increasing its efficiency and improving circulation. It oxygenates the body and improves overall performance.

Additionally, immersing yourself in cold water releases endorphins , which improves your mood. At the same time, it is exercise, and any physical activity - which has been proven in many studies - is beneficial in the fight against mood disorders. 

These are not the only advantages of winter swimming, because it is also helpful in the fight against extra kilos. The body has to work hard to stay warm, which burns calories. Swimming also increases libido , gives self-confidence and a sense of agency - since I overcome the barrier and fear of cold water, I can do anything! This is the experience of many walruses who praise this activity.

Winter swimming is not for everyone, it carries the above-mentioned risks. Hypothermia, heart and breathing problems are associated with exposure to cold water, so before starting walrus , it is crucial to consult a doctor and seek advice from experienced walrusers to prepare as best as possible.

The publisher does not conduct medical activities.