
How to sleep to get enough sleep?

Czas czytania: 3 min
Opublikowano 25/01/2022
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There is no need to convince anyone that good, long sleep is crucial for health. Check what you can change in your environment and behavior to make you sleep better.

We spend one third of our lives sleeping, or about 25 years. Every night our entire body regenerates. When sleep duration shortens and the quality deteriorates, we immediately feel irritable, have trouble concentrating and have headaches. Poor sleep quality not only causes a deterioration in well-being, but also leads to cognitive disorders. We are at risk of decreased immunity, metabolic disorders, a greater risk of depression and anxiety, and a number of other chronic diseases (you can read more about how lack of sleep affects health in a separate article ) . So let's sleep well. But how?

The bedroom is for sleeping.

Even though it sounds obvious, we all make the same mistake. We sometimes work , watch TV series or paint our nails in bed. Meanwhile, such habits make us stop associating the bedroom and bed with sleeping, which in turn translates into difficulties with falling asleep. The same goes for daytime naps . Both a quick nap in the afternoon and falling asleep immediately after waking up (although very pleasant) will disturb our circadian rhythm and make it difficult to fall asleep in the evening. Before going to bed, it is worth ensuring that the room is ventilated and the temperature is appropriate . The optimal temperature is 18-21 degrees. It is also good to sleep in a room that is not too dry. A wet towel on a radiator will work just as well as an electronic humidifier .

Remember about melatonin.

Melatonin, called the dark hormone , is released when it is dark. Naturally – after dark. When melatonin levels reach the appropriate level, we become sleepy and our biological clock reminds us that it's time to sleep. The most melatonin is secreted between 12 p.m. and 3 a.m. It's just that many of us have a habit of falling asleep with a bedside lamp, TV or laptop. This immediately disrupts our natural rhythm and makes it difficult to fall asleep.

Research by scientists from Northwestern University shows that just one night spent in a bright bedroom has health consequences. “Preliminary results show that exposure to light in just one night dramatically changes insulin resistance . "It has already been shown that exposure to light during sleep disrupts sleep, but our data shows that it can also change metabolism, " explained study author Dr. Ivy Cheung Mason. In other words, poor sleep can lead to excess weight.

That's not all, because research conducted by Harvard academics has shown a correlation between the intensity of light outside at night and the risk of breast cancer . Data from 1988-2013 regarding 110,000 were examined. women. As it turned out? At the highest lighting levels, the risk of breast cancer increased by 14%!

For these reasons, we should also avoid using a smartphone or computer 2-3 hours before bed. Blue light before bed will disturb our body and make it difficult to fall asleep. Scientists from Brigham and Women's Hospital checked this precisely in a study in which one group of volunteers read traditional books before falling asleep, while the other group read on a tablet. It turned out that people who read electronic versions took longer to fall asleep, spent less time in REM sleep, and their biological clocks shifted .

Routine will help you sleep.

This is a very simple method to regulate your circadian rhythm: making sure you go to bed and wake up at approximately the same time . Thanks to this, we will ensure appropriate levels of hormones, including melatonin. Creating such a routine has a positive impact on health by reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Although it may be difficult at the beginning, it is worth persevering because the effects will be quickly noticeable. It is also worth taking care of nice, calming rituals before going to sleep: this can be listening to relaxing music at the right frequency or reading a dozen or so pages of a book. Bath? Bright! Immersing yourself in warm water - not exceeding 40 degrees - for 20-30 minutes will help you calm down and make it easier to fall asleep.

Instead of stimulants - lemon balm and chamomile before going to bed.

Coffee, strong tea, alcohol and cigarettes are stimulating. Consuming these stimulants before sleep will significantly deteriorate its quality and will have a negative impact on the entire body. What instead? Herbs. The best ones are lemon balm, chamomile and valerian, which reduce tension, relieve stress, have antispasmodic properties, and also have a beneficial effect on the digestive system.


  1. Matacz M., “Sleep in a room with light = disease.” Zdrowie.pap.pl, November 28, 2018
  2. “8 secrets to a good night's sleep”, Harvard Health Publishing, Harvard Medical School, health.harvard.edu, September 30, 2021
  3. Ambardekar N., “20 Tips for Better Sleep,” WebMD.com, March 7, 2021.
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