
Winter sports with a child – where to start?

Czas czytania: 2 min
Opublikowano 07/02/2023
Zimowe sporty z dzieckiem – od czego zacząć?

Winter doesn't mean you have to give up sports activities with your children. On the contrary, it can be a great opportunity to show them new sports. Even for little ones.

Ski kindergartens are becoming more and more popular every year - many centers offer such services for 3-, 4- and 5-year-olds . The idea is the same as in the case of a regular kindergarten - after a short adaptation (a few hours) , children are under the supervision of an instructor in a small group of several people and learn the basics of skiing . Children as young as 3 can try it, although for such children, staying in the snow for several hours may prove to be quite a challenge, as may being separated from their parents. The optimal age to start a skiing adventure is 4 years old. Children at this age already have a good sense of balance and are communicative enough to understand the instructor's instructions and let him know if something is incomprehensible or too difficult for them, although of course the level of difficulty is adapted to the children's abilities and age. Such toddlers will not ski down the slope, but will rather get used to skiing, practice balance and learn to move on two boards. The first descents from very gentle mountain slopes will only be possible once they have mastered these basics. It is worth relying on the help and professional advice of an instructor if we only ride recreationally.

It is also necessary to remember the basic safety rules - children must be covered with cream appropriate to the weather conditions and equipped with a good helmet and goggles. A good solution is to give up very thick clothing and dress children with thermal underwear that does not restrict movement but provides warmth. You don't have to buy equipment, at least at the beginning of your skiing adventure - renting skis and boots is a good idea. It is not known whether a child will like activity on the slope, and good equipment is a big expense. Instructors also emphasize that - if we teach children the basics ourselves - it is important to familiarize them with the rules on the slope. It's about their safety, so they need to know how to behave and move around - even if, of course, they are under adult supervision.

You can start learning to snowboard at least one or two years later. It is good if a child who is trying to skateboard has already done his first skiing.

If you stay in the city with your child for the holidays, it is worth considering a visit to the ice rink. Many such facilities offer equipment rentals that can be used during your first skating trials. If, due to the pandemic or general hygiene reasons, you are hesitant to rent skates for your child, you can buy the first pair. This is a relatively small expense, around several dozen zlotys - much smaller than in the case of skis or snowboards. Even 4-year-olds should be able to skate on ice skates, although this is an individual matter, depending on the child's overall fitness, but it must be remembered that every new skating beginner will experience several painful falls on their bottom. Therefore, even if a child is very fit, it is worth waiting to learn until the age of five or even six. And, of course, remember to wear a helmet and appropriate clothing. It should be warm, but not restrictive. Thermal underwear will also work here.

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