
17 questions for... Ewa Kraińska, Founder & CEO when U buy

Czas czytania: 2 min
Opublikowano 28/06/2023
17 pytań do... Ewy Kraińskiej, Founder & CEO when U buy

In an interview with nikalab, Ewa Kraińska talks about why she loves dancing, her way of calming her mind and how the lack of adequate sleep affects her body.

For me, work life balance is... a struggle and a constant struggle between what I should do at LIFE and what is my duty at WORK. I haven't been working full-time for a few weeks now, I just take care of my business and only now I'm starting to understand how many responsibilities I actually had before.

My daily health care habits are... a question that makes me reflect that I have few of these habits. Currently, I am in a situation where I am just waking up to life and redefining how I want to live. However, what is important to me is sleep. The lack of the right quantity and quality upsets me, which is why I take great care of this area.

The sport I practice regularly is... walking. It used to be a dance that I had to give up, but now I plan to come back to it and I'm looking for a new place.

I devote very little time to physical activity during the week... unfortunately. I hope this will change.

For me, dancing is… a childhood passion. I danced throughout school and it gave me a great break from my duties. When I grew up, I started trying musical dancing and I honestly admit that I cannot name the emotions that accompany me during this activity. When I want to relax or can't fall asleep, I calm my mind and then imagine myself dancing and create choreography. Fate has now given me the gift of being able to rededicate myself to this without the cost of a child, so I want to try again!

My diet is based on… normality. I don't like extremes and trends in certain products or types of diets. There are periods in my life when I eat meat and fish, but there are also times when I don't feel like it. I try to keep my diet simple and varied, depending on what I feel like eating at a given moment.

I end the day by… reading and listening to lullabies with my son. This ritual relaxes me and allows me to calm down my thoughts even after the most intense day.

I spend… about 7.5 hours sleeping .

The thing I do only for myself is... making flower arrangements, which gives my head a huge dose of relaxation.

My little sins are… sweet and salty snacks.

Happiness for me is... the feeling that everything in my family's life is going according to plan, we have no major worries or distractions and we can enjoy the moment here and now.

For me, luxury is... a sense of independence from anyone and anything.

My daily step in taking care of the planet is... sorting garbage.

The advice I would give myself if I were 20 again is… BE BOLD! This is the first sentence that came to my mind and was often repeated by my former president from Allegro. However, the second piece of advice I would give myself is to consciously build your network of relationships.

The book and podcast I recommend is… “How Women Rise” by Sally Helgesen and Marshall Goldsmith. This is a must-read for every woman early in her career. Organizing your life at work in a corporation is completely different from how men organize it. This book makes you realize a lot and can change your habits.

Podcast – recently I have been listening with pleasure to the podcast “Moja Droga”, hosted by Dagmara Brzezińska and Barbara Mierzwińska. They tackle very real issues and ask serious questions.

The publisher does not conduct medical activities.