
17 questions for... Inga Pyd, HR & Administration Director at LOTTE Wedel

Czas czytania: 2 min
Opublikowano 19/10/2022
Inga Pyd opowiada, jaka jest jej motywacja do sportu.

In an interview with nikalab, Inga Pyd talks about why she doesn't buy mineral water in plastic, what sweets she can't resist and what helps her stay motivated for sports.

For me, work life balance is ... the ability to spend time with my family when I want.

My 3 most important daily health habits are

  • Drinking water regularly.
  • Taking care of the quantity and quality of sleep, because it really makes a difference.
  • Taking breaks from work. Since we work more in hybrid mode, it is worth taking a moment to stretch and move.

The sport I practice regularly is … 2 training sessions with a personal trainer a week. As for other activities, they depend on the season. In spring and summer I ride a bike, and in winter I go skiing with great joy.

I spend at least 2 hours a week on physical activity .

My motivation for sports is ... the awareness that such activity is necessary because it "cleans" the head and the entire body. I know that if I spend at least some time preparing for the ski season, it will be easier for me when I hit the slopes.

I don't meditate because ... I haven't managed to build enough discipline in this matter.

My diet is based on ... vegetables, fruit and fish, which I like very much. I also like to eat good quality bread with butter - it works well for my taste buds.

I end the day by … listening to audiobooks with my son, but it is not my daily ritual. I usually also summarize the current day and plan the next one.

I spend … ideally 8 hours sleeping and then I know that my body regenerates well. However, the absolute minimum is 6 hours.

The thing I do only for myself is … meetings with a beautician.

My little sins are … sweets. I really like our Wedel dark chocolates and Ptasie Mleczko®. I also never say no to tiramisu and ice cream.

Happiness for me is ... health - mine and the whole family. I found out that you can somehow organize everything else in your life, but when it comes to health, things can be different. The second thing I define as happiness is being able to travel with my family. Showing the world to my child makes me perceive the time spent in a completely different way.

Luxury for me is ... spending an unlimited amount of time traveling and exploring the unknown. It's not possible at the moment, but if I could, I would spend at least half a year discovering places I haven't seen yet.

My small daily steps in taking care of the planet are ... doing very simple things. I don't buy mineral water in plastic because I have a dedicated system in the kitchen. Waste segregation, which should already be a standard. Be mindful of unnecessary water and energy use.

The advice I would give myself if I were 20 again is ... enjoy and appreciate this time of freedom.

The book I recently read and recommend is ... "Schrodinger's World. A chronicle of an unpredictable future.” by Paweł Motyl. This is a book about how to deal with an unpredictable future. This is an interesting proposition for people who are not scientifically involved in technical things and news.

The publisher does not conduct medical activities.