
17 questions for...Joanna Glińska, HR Tech | Leadership and Talent Expert | Entrepreneur And Meditation Teacher

Czas czytania: 4 min
Opublikowano 14/06/2023
17 pytań do...Joanny Glińskiej, HR Tech | Leadership and Talent Expert | Entrepreneur I Meditation Teacher

In an interview with nikalab, Joanna Glińska explains what meditation gives her, reveals what can disturb her rituals and talks about her happy place on earth.

For me, work life balance is... the ability to manage time so as to always find space for a walk around the Royal Łazienki Park with my son. This is our ritual that we developed when our son was still a small child. We go for these walks at least 3 times a week and it is time just for us - without work, phone or other activities.

My daily health habits are…

MEDITATION – this is a must-have in the morning. Last year during the holidays, I took a meditation teacher's course and I practice to keep myself healthy, but also to have energy for my students. I like to go into the day with calm and a good attitude.

SLEEP – when I signed up for an MBSR course and started practicing meditation 5 years ago, I noticed that the quality of my sleep improved significantly. While traveling, I had severe jetlag a few times and then I had the opportunity to observe what real sleep deprivation means and how much my body was unable to cope with it. That was the impulse that made me start paying a lot of attention to it.

FOOD – I eat a lot of vegetables, I often choose seasonal products, but I do not specify my diet. I once tried to be vegan, but it wasn't good for my health. I have a thyroid disease and this caused a large loss of B vitamins and it was difficult for me to replenish them.

I like the moment when I leave the house and am ready for the day - after a good night's sleep, meditation and a nutritious breakfast. I used to jump into each day in a rush and at the end of the week I couldn't remember what I was doing at the beginning.

There is a lot more mindfulness in my life now.

The sport I practice regularly is... pilates on reformers twice a week. I really appreciate these exercises because they support the health of my spine. Apart from that, I ride a bike a lot, go to the swimming pool and walk. In the summer season in Hel I swim SUP, and in the winter I snowboard.

I spend about 7 hours a week on physical activity .

My motivation for sport... is the tensions I carry within me. Sport relaxes me and I see it as taking care of myself and my health, and at the same time it gives me a lot of fun. I don't use competition mechanisms in sports, I just do certain activities because I want to and I sincerely like them.

Meditation allows me to be a better person because... it makes me more attentive and I can respond appropriately emotionally to various stimuli. This is especially important when raising a child whose world is completely distant from our everyday life. Thanks to meditation, I have the space to arrange what I want in my drawers in the way I want.

My diet is based on... framework resulting from thyroid diseases. I try to eat little gluten and no dairy products, apart from some cheeses. I eat seasonal fruit and a lot of vegetables, which are my favorite element of meals. However, during asparagus season - I eat them every day, just like strawberries! This is my favorite time of the year.

I end the day by… cuddling with my baby. It gives me a lot of relaxation and positive energy.

I spend… 8 hours sleeping. I try to maintain good sleep hygiene, so I usually go to bed at the same time.

The thing I do only for myself is... creating space for myself to be alone. I'm a total extrovert and my entire adult life I've lived from acquaintance to acquaintance, but for some time now I've been friends with myself and I really like this space.

I also do all the educational things just for myself that open me up to new activities and are developmental.

My little sins are... fruit cakes and TV series, which sometimes can disturb my rituals.

Happiness for me is... time spent with my family and people close to me. Then we don't have to pretend or prove anything - it's enough that we are together here and now. We often meet in my happy place on earth, Dobrocka Dolina in the Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship. I inherited land from my grandparents, on which houses for seasonal rentals, a huge garden and a gazebo where you can meditate were built.

Luxury for me is... traveling.

My small daily steps in taking care of the planet are... a bike, a water bottle and a shopping bag. From the larger steps, this is a hectare of flower meadow that I sowed in Dobrocka Valley. There are many orchards in the area and orchardists spray the trees with various pesticides, which prevents insects from sitting on the trees. In Dobrocice, I also encourage eco-rituals, such as collecting water from a nearby spring - I calculated that this can save about 300-400 bottles of water per season.

I also show my child a different way of looking at the world, so as not to produce so much waste.

The advice I would give myself if I were 20 again is... worry less about what others say and think, and pay more attention to what you think, do and feel.

The book I recommend is... " Humor, Seriously: Why Humor Is a Secret Weapon in Business and Life" by Naomi Bagdonas and Jennifer Aaker. The entire book is a guide to why a sense of humor is an important element of our functioning, especially in business. Many people think that business is not a place for a sense of humor, but it turns out that it is one of the important factors in building relationships, relaxation and is very important from the point of view of our well-being.
The publisher does not conduct medical activities.