
17 questions for... Magdalena Kanczew, vice-president of the management board of the VeritaMed Medical Center

Czas czytania: 2 min
Opublikowano 19/05/2022
Magdalena Kanczew, wiceprezes Centrum Medycznego VeritaMed

In an interview with nikalab, Magdalena Kanczew talks about why she chooses dancing instead of meditation, whether she limits herself in eating and explains the importance of time off from work.

For me, work life balance means... dividing professional and private life, or in fact, balancing work with relaxation and physical activity. In my professional life, I have "experienced" various forms of work, including those that last several hours a day, when work is the most important thing and there is no time for yourself. Unfortunately, the result was spine surgery. Today, having my own experience and knowing the consequences, I would take care of myself differently. It is very important to find a golden mean between work and lifestyle - and most importantly, developing your passions. It is obvious that everyday life consists of responsibilities, but what gives us real pleasure is, above all, developing our interests. Young people often chase careers and money (I did this myself), underestimating their free time and not realizing that the consequences may appear later.

My most important daily health habit is… two nikalab capsules and washing off my makeup before going to bed.

The sport I practice regularly is... dance, dance, dance.

I spend a lot of time on physical activity every week... I think it's quite a lot - about 4-5 training sessions a week.

My motivation for sport is... the opportunity to overcome one's own barriers, make progress and, above all, keep the body in good physical and mental health. I believe that dancing is the best for everything - it has a very positive effect on my head, my figure and makes me happy.

My attitude towards meditation is… probably different than the commonly known one. I used to meditate a lot and go to yoga camps. Now I can say that dance has replaced the classic form of meditation for me. It helps me drive away bad thoughts, thanks to which I enter a completely different level of vibration.

My diet is based on... eating everything that gives me pleasure. I have been on diets all my life, I denied myself many things and then it was very difficult for me to control my body and health. From the moment I started eating what my body demands, I haven't had any major problems. I am a sweet tooth, I eat everything and I don't like to deny myself food.

I end the day on... the couch with a glass of tea or a glass of wine - it depends on the day. I always need to retreat to my thoughts and this is a moment for me to reflect.

I spend… 6 to 7 hours sleeping . I'm not a sleepyhead.

The thing I do only for myself is... dancing and regular body and face massages.

My little sins are... meringue cakes, which I love and never refuse them, but only if they are tasty and of good quality.

Happiness for me is... inner peace and harmony. I like to feel like I'm not missing anything - whatever that means at the moment.

Luxury for me is... the feeling that I have no barriers and limitations. It's great to pursue your passions and crazy ideas with peace of mind.

My small daily steps in taking care of the planet are…

  • Sorting garbage.
  • Not wasting things and food.
  • Limiting shopaholism.
  • I try to give things a second life, which is what my mother taught me. I don't get attached to them, so I give them away regularly.

The advice I would give myself if I were 20 again is... follow your dreams!

The podcast I recommend is... the conversation "What will my dad say?" with Aleksander Kwaśniewski and Ola Kwaśniewska. It is a very interesting 70 minutes, provided, of course, that we are interested in current events in Europe.

My first impression of nikalab is... beautiful scent and incredible comfort! I'm currently finishing my first jar. Great that everything I need is in 2 capsules. Until I knew you, I felt like I was cluttering up my stomach when I took a whole handful of pills. With nikalab this problem was solved. I have a subscription and I'm very happy about it!
The publisher does not conduct medical activities.