
nikaLIVE: How to take care of your skin before and during pregnancy?

Czas czytania: 11 min
Opublikowano 28/10/2022
Dermatolog Izabela Toporska-Łukaszuk opowiada, jak dbać o skórę przed i w trakcie ciąży

Not all skin changes during pregnancy are reversible. However, we can avoid many unwanted things if we take conscious and comprehensive care of our skin during the pre-pregnancy period. Dermatologist Izabela Toporska-Łukaszuk tells us how to do it .

Pregnancy is a period in which the future mother is focused mainly on the baby and its needs, often forgetting that her good health and well-being is the key to the baby's well-being. And to feel good, both physically and mentally, we must provide ourselves with enough nutrients through diet (and supplementation ), the right amount of physical activity , time for sleep and relaxation , and take care of our beauty.

Pregnancy brings changes in a woman's appearance, including her skin. Not all of these changes are reversible. However, we can avoid many unwanted things if we take conscious and comprehensive care of our skin during the pre-pregnancy period. told how to do it in nikaLIVE on Instagram . Izabela Toporska-Łukaszuk , dermatologist and aesthetic medicine doctor from the Novique clinic . You can watch the conversation at this link , and the text version is presented below.

When preparing for pregnancy, do we need to think in any special way about our skin and its needs?

bow. med. Izabela Toporska-Łukaszuk: Definitely yes. In fact, consciously planning a pregnancy is not only about taking care of the health of your future child, but also about your own health and good appearance . In many cases, we can effectively prevent various aesthetic skin defects related to pregnancy. How to prepare? Of course, it's a matter of diagnostics - for example, pigmented moles . Before pregnancy, it is worth performing a dermatoscopic examination, which, in principle, should be repeated once a year.

What is this study about? Is it about the doctor looking at our birthmarks or is it more technically advanced?

This is a matter of even a simple examination with a dermatoscope , a device that allows you to more accurately assess pigmented changes and possible risks. For example, if we have a mole that is suspicious and raises doubts, it is worth having it surgically removed before pregnancy . Another thing is the issue of preparing the skin for pregnancy . Pregnancy is a revolution for a woman's body. The skin changes a lot during pregnancy. Of course, in terms of hormonal and metabolic changes, the skin benefits during pregnancy. It is true that the skin becomes firmer and tense, but it is also subjected to various factors, even mechanical ones - such as stretching . This is, of course, related to the growth of the fetus, but also to increasing weight. Therefore, preparing the skin in terms of density , firmness and resistance to these external factors is crucial here. It is worth approaching it in a very logical and well-planned way.

And how can we do this?

In our clinic, we develop such a plan in quite detail - of course, these plans are very individual, but they have common elements. Not only the skin itself is important, but also the body in general in terms of preparation for childbirth - in our case, such treatments are performed by a physiotherapist , because it is also very important - to know what you are doing. When it comes to the firmness and density of the skin , not only in the abdominal area, but also on the face and the rest of the body - we firm, thicken and stimulate the skin to regenerative processes , which then allow the skin to function better in more difficult conditions. Thanks to this, we are able to prevent various changes, e.g. stretch marks, which are not so easy to treat.

Regarding treatments - are they treatments performed using devices or are they more like: masks, peelings, things that are simply applied to the body?

Treatments using devices and technologies combined with injection skin firming work perfectly for women, they rebuild the skin in a quite natural way. First of all, we increase the production of collagen . What is crucial in this matter - we motivate fibroblasts, i.e. cells that produce these ingredients responsible for the density and firmness of the skin. Additionally, a skillful combination of treatments can cause the so-called decomposition in the skin. "old collagen" , i.e. stiff collagen that - one could say - remains in the skin, but no longer serves any function. Through all these processes, we stimulate the production of new, useful collagen. In this way, the skin is much more resistant to mechanical processes . Of course, patients are supported by appropriately selected therapy and home care, where appropriate preparations are massaged. Here we work as a team - patients perform their part of the treatment at home, we do ours in offices. This combination is the most effective , and after pregnancy it turns out that problems with, for example, stretch marks are a very rare problem.

Since we're talking about stretch marks, let's move on to pregnancy itself. Are there any other changes that may surprise us when it comes to our skin during pregnancy?

Yes, discoloration is very important and common . Discolorations that appear not only on the face, often in the genital area, around the linea alba are discolorations that are absolutely not pathological changes, they are specific to most people who are pregnant and appear very often.

Can we do anything about it during pregnancy or is it not worth it?

During pregnancy, not so much. What we can take care of is sun protection . So it's more about preventing changes that will occur to some extent anyway. Here, we focus more on therapy after pregnancy or even after breastfeeding. When it comes to discoloration, we adjust the therapy depending on whether breastfeeding occurs or not. Such changes that may appear include physiological changes - various types of vascular changes , e.g. spider veins. They are related to the fact that the vascular bed simply enlarges during pregnancy, which is completely understandable.

I would like to return to the topic of stretch marks. Drugstore shelves are full of creams and balms for stretch marks. Does it make sense to use these creams for stretch marks? What does it look like from a medical point of view?

The only point of using creams for stretch marks is that they simply moisturize and firm the skin , but their effect is very limited. If we do not use more intensive treatments, we will not take care of the skin to the highest possible extent. But of course we can never perform two options on the same person and compare whether the treatment worked. Especially since stretch marks usually appear during the first pregnancy . A few additional ones may appear with each subsequent pregnancy, but they mainly form during the first pregnancy.

And what about genetic factors? I came across a theory that the predisposition to stretch marks is hereditary. Can dermatological treatments affect our skin even if we have a hereditary predisposition to stretch marks?

Yes, we are watching it. Patients whose mothers have very large stretch marks, after appropriate skin preparation, have minimal problems with the appearance of stretch marks . I will not say that in every case we have only successes, but in fact, statistically, we have a lot of patients who we prepare for pregnancy in this way (they are very conscious people). After the treatments, they have very little problem with stretch marks - and that, of course, makes us very happy!

You mentioned that all these treatments are performed before pregnancy. What can we do during pregnancy at home?

During pregnancy, it is primarily a matter of appropriate physiotherapeutic massage, which stimulates the skin to a large extent. During pregnancy, we can only act manually, no treatments using technologies such as lasers or infrared are allowed. Injection treatments also, for obvious reasons. Of course, home care continues during pregnancy, the one we start before pregnancy. But also the issue of continuing appropriate supplementation, we haven't talked about it before. Providing appropriate ingredients to the skin is also continued during pregnancy.

What ingredients work most effectively on the skin?

Personally, I am against supplementing anything I can. It seems a bit like this now that supplements have various compositions, sometimes these compositions are so long that it is difficult to read them. We don't know for sure what the absorption of most preparations is, we simply have no idea. I also do not believe that with a fairly healthy lifestyle and a fairly balanced diet, we need to additionally provide our body with all possible vitamins and minerals in the form of supplements. So I always talk about good quality Omega-3 acids and vitamin D3 , because it is very, very important. Generally, these are the main ingredients that we should actually provide our body with - both before and during pregnancy, but also regardless of pregnancy. It's simply a matter of caring for the quality of the leather.

And when it comes to care, are there cosmetics that we should absolutely avoid during pregnancy? Which ones might be worth paying special attention to during this period?

When it comes to cosmetics, we choose them depending on the patient's skin type . There is no universal cosmetic that is recommended during pregnancy. We focus more on how this skin should be cared for. It is very important to stimulate the skin during pregnancy . This includes proper skin cleansing, mechanical peelings - this is very important; we take care of the natural protective barrier of the skin. The idea is to carry out home care in such a way that the skin functions healthily.

Are we talking about the face or the whole body?

About the face and the whole body, because generally speaking, when it comes to mechanical peelings, we use it on the whole body and face . When it comes to moisturizing preparations, we focus more on the individual needs of facial skin. What we absolutely discontinue during pregnancy is retinol . Retinol is the only ingredient that is not recommended during pregnancy and cannot be used.

And the so-called plant retinol Bakuchiol, it also cannot be used during pregnancy?

It's hard to say what it looks like because, first of all, we don't do research on pregnant women. Therefore, I am not able to say unequivocally that, for example, there is any study that checks whether plant retinol or any other form of retinol is safe for pregnant women. For ethical reasons, such research is simply not done. I recommend discontinuing all retinols during pregnancy.

What is your opinion about brushing? Theoretically, this also allows you to get rid of dead skin and many women consider it to prevent stretch marks. Is this treatment allowed during pregnancy and is it effective?

These are, of course, certain types of peeling. Brushing is also a form of skin care. This method is not for everyone - people who have vascular skin should not brush their body. It all depends on the individual needs of our skin. ( You can read more about body brushing in this article - ed .)

Is it necessary to use any milk or lotion for the whole body during pregnancy? For example, if we don't feel that our skin is dry and we don't usually use such cosmetics - does it make sense to start doing so during pregnancy, trying to provide the skin with a greater level of hydration?

This makes sense because the use of even such basic preparations causes less water to evaporate from the skin. Just retaining a small amount of water makes sense. Honestly, these preparations won't do much more, but just moisturizing and caring for this skin makes sense.

During pregnancy, the options are very limited, but after giving birth, I understand that we can return to some of the treatments. And now the question is: is the postpartum period also a limitation when it comes to the possibility of taking care of your skin in the salon?

Typically, postpartum patients do not come to us. This is the time to rest after giving birth. However, after the postpartum period, we can start working as much as possible. Of course, injection issues are out of the question, because patients are usually breastfeeding. However, when it comes to laser therapy, if stretch marks appear, you can start the therapy immediately after the postpartum period. There are no contraindications here, in fact, the earlier we start this therapy, the better the results. When it comes to other treatments, we can also use other technologies, apart from injectable ones , where breastfeeding is a contraindication.

And as for the belly? Because, as you know, after pregnancy, most women complain that the skin is less firm, sometimes sagging and less elastic. Is there anything we can do about this belly, both at home and in the office?

We can! It's a matter of care, moisturizing, and peelings used at home. When it comes to the office – we combine laser treatments ; after the feeding period, also by injection. We also provide physiotherapy - to also provide fascial support to these layers, not only in terms of the skin. We also support kinesiotaping to provide this area as widely as possible.

Can kinesio taping be used during the postpartum period or only after?

It can be used during pregnancy, postpartum, during and after breastfeeding. There are no contraindications. And indeed, it helps a lot in getting back into good shape after giving birth.

Is there a recommendation after giving birth to visit a dermatologist again to have the moles examined, generally assess the condition of the skin and possibly prescribe any treatments or needs that require special attention?

In fact, patients need to take care of themselves. After this initial period, when the focus is only on the child, when the world around you does not exist, there is indeed a moment when women return to taking care of themselves . It's not just the belly that suffers the most after pregnancy, but also the facial skin, e.g. in the context of discolorations that remain after pregnancy. After pregnancy, unfortunately, we notice a decline in the shape of this skin . We suffer from sleepless nights that affect our appearance. There is a great need to regenerate post-pregnancy skin . Therapies are selected individually to the patient's needs, and the second thing is: we take into account what stage the patient is at, whether she is breastfeeding or not, and select appropriate sets.

Is there any other important issue that I haven't asked about that is important in this topic?

We didn't mention hair . Maybe not all women know this, but hair usually improves during pregnancy. The condition of the hair is usually better, during pregnancy the hair growth period is extended, therefore hair loss is limited. However, after giving birth, excessive hair loss occurs . It is worth mentioning that this is pure physiology! Although I know that many women are terrified of this loss. Most often, it is caused by physiological changes throughout the body. That doesn't mean we shouldn't care about it at all!

And how can we take care of it, both on our own and in the office? Are there any treatments that help with postpartum hair loss?

Yes, we have such procedures. Here we come back to the issue of providing appropriate ingredients orally - this is very important. We also include preparations that are delivered to the scalp in the form of mesotherapy . They greatly strengthen and nourish hair bulbs. Sometimes, if necessary, we also add local treatment , which patients simply rub into the scalp. Most often, these are combined therapies, but local treatment is initiated when we actually notice excessive hair loss. When it comes to physiological hair loss, we try to reassure our patients that nothing is really wrong, everything is fine. Often, supplementation alone is enough.

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