
About health and wise supplementation. Agnieszka Cegielska's conversation with doctor. med. Nina Nicheska.

Czas czytania: 27 min
Opublikowano 09/03/2023
O zdrowiu i mądrej suplementacji. Rozmowa Agnieszki Cegielskiej z lek. med. Niną Nicheską.

Are annual blood tests sufficient disease prevention? Is glass really that eco-friendly? Do nutrient deficiencies depend on where we live? These and many other questions are answered by the doctor. med. Nina Nicheska in nikaLIVE with Agnieszka Cegielska.

Although we may not think about it, our daily actions contribute to our overall well-being. Every day we get a new chance to take care of ourselves the way we deserve. The habits we build may show their effects even after a few years, so we should consider today whether we want to fight for our healthy future.

The recording of the conversation can be viewed at this link .

Agnieszka Cegielska: Nina comes from Macedonia, a beautiful land! One would like to say - Nina, why did you leave Macedonia for Poland?!

Nina Nicheska: Quite accidentally, I'll tell you. Poland was never in my plans, but somehow life worked out that way. I got a job offer, I moved, thinking it was only temporary,
and it's been nine years now, so next year I celebrate my anniversary!

AC: But also, as we talked today, you said that your daughter is already in the second grade
and she teaches you Polish!

NN: Yes, it's only now that I started to realize how much I don't know Polish! I listen to corrections at every step, so I also learn like first-graders, I'm at this level and I think I will never understand these Polish endings, I haven't for nine years. At the moment I feel OK with the way I speak.

AC: Nina, you speak wonderfully, with great charm and, above all, great energy! Today, Nina and I would like to discuss the topic of supplementation. The supplements market in our country is a huge market with a life of its own. And we live in times where it is sometimes very difficult to keep our body in check. I have seen studies in which the deficiencies in particular vitamins and minerals turned out to be very large in post-COVID patients. So, in my opinion, we live in times where in many cases we cannot go without healthy food, but also such support. In your opinion, as a doctor, do you need to take supplements at all?

NN: Let me start by saying that as a doctor, but also as an individual, I have always been aware that there are several ingredients that should be supplemented, but I still emphasize that supplements are not intended to replace a balanced diet. Food is the main source of nutrients. This means that what is on our plate is the building material that the body transforms, which is necessary for all mechanisms in our body to function properly. If these ingredients are missing, it is known that these reactions do not occur, cells do not renew, hormones do not produce and in this situation it is difficult for us to stay healthy. I always say that we can treat the body as a system of connected vessels, because everything is interconnected. And here are the first mistakes we make, because people often pay attention to only one organ, and as a doctor, I care very much about this holistic approach to the entire body. Sometimes we fall into such a vicious circle when we have problems with e.g. skin, hair, nails, we focus only on these parts and look for a quick solution. As you said, the market is full of dietary supplements, and as a doctor, I am skeptical about quick solutions, and generally about most supplements on the market. These supplements are not medicines, we cannot expect them to quickly solve our problem. Of course - if we take something in large doses, it may turn out that the problem can be solved quickly and we will be happy. But when we take the necessary break from use, we return to the previous state, and sometimes even worse, because we never really found the reason why this problem occurred.

Therefore, let's look at the body holistically and try to find out where the real problem lies - sometimes it is an unbalanced diet, sometimes it is something else, but we can treat the whole thing as Lego bricks that make up our health. I struggle with this myself, I know that sometimes I have some pillar to improve. So let's try to put all these pillars in order: sleep, diet, wise supplementation, physical activity, interpersonal relationships. And I will come back to your question: as a doctor, I care very much about wise supplementation. What does it mean? It is very difficult for the consumer to choose, there are many supplements on the market, lots of marketing slogans and advertisements.

As a doctor, I am very research-oriented , I believe what the research proves, what the percentages show in terms of the general population. Of course, if we suffer from something, if we have problems with something, the deficiencies will also be different, but even as you mentioned Covid - Covid has caused quite a stir for us in terms of deficiencies. However, research shows that there are several ingredients that up to 90% of the population is deficient in.

Here I would highlight vitamin D , the most famous ingredient in this field, but maybe I will tell you why these deficiencies occur. As I mentioned, nutrient deficiencies are caused by an unvaried diet, people sometimes do not put food first and rely heavily on supplementation. But even a healthy and well-balanced diet does not provide us with all the necessary ingredients in sufficient quantities. The second topic is the quality of food. The quality of food decreases significantly over the years - soils contain less and less quality minerals, and as a result, fruits and vegetables have no chance to absorb them while growing. Appalling research results show that broccoli currently has 1.5 times less folic acid than 60 years ago , so the quality of this vegetable now and then is a completely different level. Here I would also talk about genetic mutations which, according to research, appear in as many as 60% of the population and cause impaired absorption of this ordinary folic acid. This is also an interesting topic and I would like to talk later about what to pay attention to when choosing supplementation, how to choose a supplement that is good and distinguish it from the one that we do not need to take. In terms of vitamin D - it's true - 90% of Poles are deficient in vitamin D, but this does not mean that it only happens in Poland.

I come from Macedonia, it is a very sunny country, and when I talk to my colleagues about shortages, they still exist. This is due to several reasons: it is not easy to obtain vitamin D from food, you would have to eat half a kilo of mackerel a day , and this is not possible. And on the other side: the sun. We are taught that this is the only way we can provide the body with this vitamin, however, we must meet the conditions for this synthesis to occur: we should not cover our limbs with clothes, we should not use UV filters - which I absolutely do not recommend, because we run the risk of developing diseases. skin; Vitamin D synthesis also requires an appropriate angle of sunlight, as well as exposure to sunlight for 15 minutes from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. As you can see, we must meet many conditions, and since we cannot provide vitamin D in food, it is worth supporting ourselves and wisely supplementing our healthy diet with vitamin D.

Another ingredient that is being talked about a lot right now are Omega-3 acids . Studies show that over 80% of the healthy population does not consume the recommended dose of Omega-3 acids and I must emphasize that these are studies on DHA and EPA. Omega-3 acids come in several types: ALA, EPA and DHA and it is worth mentioning here that the demand for the first one - ALA - can be met even with a completely plant-based diet, but many people make the mistake of thinking that if they provide the appropriate dose of ALA thanks to linseed oil, walnuts or hemp, it already has a sufficient level of Omega-3 in general. However, research shows that only 5% of ALA can be converted to EPA and only 0.5% of ALA can become DHA. Therefore, it is important not to consider these types of sources as sources of DHA and EPA acids. Another important thing is that most supplements available on the market contain only DHA, and this combination, the appropriate proportion of DHA to EPA, is very important for our health .

In addition to the many benefits of DHA, it is necessary for the proper development of brain function, while EPA has mainly anti-inflammatory effects. So, these are two very significant ingredients that we should pay attention to and include in our daily diet. The next ingredient is vitamin B12 , which in most cases we associate with a completely vegan diet. Recent times show us that this is an ingredient that is not intended or desired only for vegans, because regardless of the type of diet, it is difficult for us to provide vitamin B12 in food for various reasons. The first reason is certainly our growing awareness, we are reducing the consumption of red meat - it is even a WHO recommendation - but on the other hand, the entire digestive system and microbiota may suffer from various problems, and as a result, the absorption of B12 may be difficult.

The thing about vitamin B12 is that people often do not take into account that their problems may result from a deficiency of this nutrient and they very rarely check its level in their body. And according to the knowledge obtained from research, it is a vitamin whose deficiencies can only be tangible detected after 2 to 5 years. These deficiencies may cause symptoms that we confuse with symptoms of other diseases, only to become aware after a few years that it is a B12 deficiency. These signals indicating the risk of vitamin B12 deficiency are: fatigue, general weakness, tremors of arms and legs, memory problems, development of depression; Therefore, I emphasize that this is a very important vitamin in the context of our health, and more and more people suffer from its deficiencies.

Another ingredient from the same group is folic acid. Folic acid is also a very interesting element, because humans cannot produce or store it on their own. And folate deficiencies are becoming the most common among the entire healthy population. I want to emphasize here that sometimes supplementation with this "ordinary" folic acid can mask the first symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency. I emphasize the word "ordinary" because we will soon talk about the chemical form of this ingredient, and this is a very important topic when it comes to dietary supplements. And it can mask these deficiencies very effectively, which can result in anemia. Therefore, the chemical form that we can obtain nowadays is very important - the fourth generation of folate is active folic acid, which is absorbed by every body, regardless of the presence or absence of a genetic mutation. Thanks to Quatrefolic, we are insured. Choline is also little known, and many foods help us get it: eggs, fish, liver; but research still shows that many people struggle with its deficiency. Choline is responsible, among other things, for a properly functioning brain, mental balance and the entire nervous system.

Therefore, there are several ingredients that, as a doctor, I recommend supplementing wisely. I divide supplementation into wise and healthy , the first type is what I have already said: let's not go into supplementing ingredients that we can easily provide with food, because food should be the first source of these elements. Let's find the ingredients with which there are difficulties and which research indicates are necessary to be supplied "from the outside". Healthy supplementation, however, is a matter of how to choose these ingredients.

What ends up on your plate? Yes, every day.

NN: I am against all box diets. Not that I've never tried them! In my first years in Poland, I gave them a chance, but I realized that for me it was a bit like fast food, supposedly treated as healthy, but I always had a problem with it. When I was pregnant, I had a problem with my blood sugar level, I ordered catering marked as "with a low glycemic index", and then when I measured my blood sugar it turned out that it was not. When unpacking the boxes, I couldn't feel that what I had prepared was actually fresh. I always feel that the simplest diet and the simplest methods of preparation are the healthiest. My husband is a great cook and he likes to spend hours in the kitchen, and I choose what's quick and healthy. Some groats, vegetables, tofu, so mainly: to be healthy, but also so that I don't waste a lot of time on it. Unfortunately, as you can guess, even though I love Poland as much as my own country, I didn't like Polish cuisine from the very beginning, it is very fatty. I eat a Mediterranean diet , maybe also because I come from a country with a slightly different climate, but I also consider it the healthiest diet in terms of the fact that it is anti-inflammatory .

I have always been careful about my diet, but there was one turning point when I lost my dad to very aggressive cancer in a short period of time. And that was the moment when I started checking everything. The origin and quality of food, all labels... now I already have a list of proven products, without simple sugars, and sometimes the "organic eco" label has no meaning. Of course, I try new things, it's easier now because I only have to check one label and not the entire basket of products. I try not to buy processed products whenever possible. I have an eight-year-old at home who is not unique in that she likes sweets, so from the beginning I accustomed her to chocolate with 90% cocoa and she likes it because for her it is normal, because she always got it. It's not that I forbid her completely, sometimes we're somewhere, someone offers something, I allow it and she willingly helps herself. For her, 90% dark chocolate is simply a normal delicacy. And I also have this approach that if I kept all these leftover chocolates at home, and I believe that sugar is a terrible enemy of our health , we are not even aware that it affects our health in the long term, and if you don't have such products at home, you have less chance of reaching for them. It's human nature, I can reach for them and eat them if they are nearby.

AC: We just had a request here. Maybe on your website you could provide a list of products recommended by you - as a doctor?

NN: I can do it! Include all products that I have tested and know that they are tip-top!

AC: I'd love to check it out for myself! When we talk about Omega-3 - we know that we can obtain it from linseed oil and fish, but we also know that these foods are often of very poor quality nowadays. On the one hand, we want to obtain ingredients from food, and on the other hand, we know how polluted these fish are now. And we fall into a vicious circle, we want to gain health from diet, but now go and find what will actually give us that...

NN: I would start with the fact that we have several types of rice on the store shelf, the same with the ingredients: vitamin D is not equal to vitamin D, several forms of Omega-3 acids on the market... I feel that we have changed our approach a little, although I am not proud of our high expectations, however, I feel that we are starting to read food labels. We must pay attention not only to the expiration date, but also to all ingredients. And just like we read food labels, we also need to read the labels of the supplements we take every day! It's good that medicines are produced according to more restrictive rules, but we take supplements every day.

AC: So how do you not regulate what your body receives every day?

NN: A good example of the importance of the origin of an ingredient is the example of Omega-3 acids. Many people don't know that fish only contain Omega-3 DHA and EPA fatty acids because they eat algae. Everyone always says "but I eat fish!" and let's look at how polluted these fish are. Recently, we have had to deal with the disaster on the Odra River, which is a real shame, but we simply don't know what we are eating. At nikalab, we deliberately use vegan ingredients. I personally define myself as a flexitarian, because sometimes I eat good quality meat, but we still - and also in the case of Omega-3 - recommend taking ingredients obtained from plants, as here - from algae. I don't know if you know, but 90% of vitamin D available on the market comes from lanolin. Its exact source is sebum from sheep's wool. I don't want to illustrate it clearly, but obtaining vitamin D from sheep is a cruel process. The shearing itself is not ethical, and the second thing is the detergents used to treat the wool, which is then exposed to UV rays. This whole process is simply terrifying for me and I wouldn't want to take something like that into my body. There is an alternative to this! The same chemical form, the best one, called cholecalciferol , comes from algae. So why do manufacturers decide to obtain vitamin D from lanolin? Because it is a cheaper option. Algae are very efficient in production and are not contaminated, so I recommend checking the ingredients also in terms of their origin. Another thing is the doses, which are also sometimes terrifying. When I, as a doctor, look at the recommended doses of given substances, I call them - ugly, but I will say - horse doses. We should not take the highest possible doses, and the market trend contradicts this. As a doctor, I must warn you that taking supplements with the highest possible doses of substances can be very dangerous, such supplementation, when used for a long time, can put an enormous burden on the body, our liver and cause us an even bigger problem than before. The other extreme is low doses, so as not to say that only too high doses are a problem. There is no point in giving your body something that will not affect it in any way. If the dose of e.g. folic acid is lower than the recommended norm, it will not provide us with any benefits. I emphasize - the dose of a given ingredient must be optimal, not too large, not too small, and what is very important - it must be determined on the basis of scientific research.

AC: Well, in my opinion we should do tests before we start any supplementation. To check in what areas our body needs support. I remember many years ago I wrote a thesis at university about vitamin D and its deficiencies and nothing has changed, we still have too little knowledge when it comes to quality, we very rarely check its level in our body. This awareness that it is a fat-soluble vitamin, you need fat, food, and what if the cholesterol is upside down in a given case? As you say, it's the whole puzzle...

NN: Everything depends on this system, I'm not talking only about Poland, I also lived in other countries and I was able to notice it, we still do not look at health holistically. I dream of such centers focusing on both conventional and unconventional medicine. We often bounce from doctor to doctor, and these centers would rely on one doctor treating a given patient who will know his entire treatment history. By knowing the patient, the doctor would have the opportunity to compare all the results over the years and would be able to draw different conclusions. The law states that a specialist doctor has 15-20 minutes for one patient and has no chance of collecting all the necessary data or conducting a detailed enough interview to find out what is going on. If we do not see the entire treatment history, it is difficult to make a diagnosis, and patients often do not want to, but are not aware that something they are doing or taking is causing a given problem and they do not tell the doctor about it.

AC: So you also believe that tests should be performed before we start supplementation, but also that it is important to get tested and check your parameters.

NN: Of course, I definitely am, as a doctor I think that tests are very important and I strongly emphasize it, but maybe I define it in a slightly different way: many people I talk to do preventive tests and it bothers me because I think that prevention is what we do for ourselves every day. Preventive tests are important, they need to be done once a year , if you suffer from any diseases, they need to be done even more often, but on the other hand, for me, tests are a point of checking, assessing our health and how our body has coped this year.

Therefore, we do not sit idle all year long and only do tests once, because if a healthy diet has not been introduced, there has been no change, physical activity or supplementation of the deficiencies from previous tests for a year, and if our resistance to stress has decreased, the subsequent tests will be even worse. .

Sometimes we laugh in the medical community that if we don't know what the diagnosis is, it's probably stress. And there is a lot of truth in this, because stress affects many processes in our body , and when exposed to long-term stress, the body begins to function differently. Regular short-term stress is good for our health, but long-term stress has terrible effects on the body. Therefore, I recommend research, but let's also invest in these activities every day: eating, wise supplementation, exercise, relaxation and sleep. Whenever I say "physical activity", the first excuse is "I don't have time" - I know we don't have time, but even this walk is already physical activity. If you walk to work or at least use the stairs instead of the elevator, that's some activity too.

AC: Nina, what ingredients should be supplemented strictly in our climate zone?

NN: In our interdisciplinary team in which we worked on nikalab, we relied mainly on data relating to inhabitants of mainly the geographical area of ​​Poland, and I will also focus on this now. This is why I mentioned the 90% of people suffering from vitamin D deficiency who should be supplemented with it. Omega-3 acids, definitely, vitamin B12 - obviously, tests are necessary, but many people struggle with its deficiency
for various reasons. Choline is an ingredient that also provides many benefits and I recommend it for supplementation. And finally , folic acid , which is usually associated with pregnant women and yes, it is very important then. However, research shows that it is necessary at various stages of a woman's life, so I recommend using it, as its significant deficiencies have been noticed recently.

Accessories are also very important and they always scare me. We talked about doses and chemical forms, but additives are also an area that personally scares me. Maybe I'm too sensitive when it comes to reading labels, but when I was looking for a supplement for myself, not in Poland, so as not to say that Poland is unique in this aspect, I noticed how many additives are added by various manufacturers. These are not active substances, they are usually excipients, but the word "excipient" means that they are intended to extend the shelf life or make the product look good. This is sad because in many products, even those considered premium, we can find magnesium salts of fatty acids, a lot of xanthum gum, titanium dioxide, diphosphates, phosphates, guar gum and all these ingredients that may be harmful to humans. They can cause allergies, irritate the intestinal mucosa, cause inflammation, autoimmune diseases and premature aging. So these are serious things caused by additives, so you should read the fine print carefully because it is very important for our health. The last unpleasant example is the dye E171, its other name is titanium dioxide, it was added to many products, not only supplements. For medicines, cosmetics, even toothpaste. He was legal. In May 2021, it was revealed that it is prohibited due to its carcinogenic properties. Man, as the most conscious creature living on Earth, decided to force another human being for many years to use an ingredient which, years later, turned out to be carcinogenic. Moreover, the ban was imposed, while products manufactured until May 2021 remained on store shelves. So now, for a year or two, we will still be buying products that contain this ingredient. Therefore, it is worth reading labels, because it has already been proven that titanium dioxide is harmful to health. In nikalab, we have not added any unnecessary additives, because if such a situation occurred in the case of E171, it may soon turn out that any other commonly added additive is harmful. When taking supplements, only the active substance counts.

AC: Especially since it means adding work to our liver, which carries out five hundred functions, a whole factory of processes, metabolizes our emotions, so let's not add to it E171, 172, 138...

NN: Our liver is our body's laboratory, but this does not mean that we should additionally burden it from various sources.

AC: And where do you think our supplements should go to be best absorbed? To get the most out of them.

NN: Few realize that the stomach is not the most friendly environment for the absorption of nutrients. Stomach acids destroy some vitamins and minerals. The tablets that we currently have on the market, in most cases, begin to dissolve in the stomach. At nikalab, we wanted to combine three pillars - medicine, technology and pharmacy, our goal was a capsule that would start dissolving only 40 minutes after taking it. So that it has a chance to reach the small intestine, where it has optimal conditions to "give back" nutrients to the body. All nutrients, whether from food or supplements, are absorbed by the body in the small intestine.

AC: What's the best and easiest way to check the level of Omega-3 acids in your blood?

NN: Omega-3 is difficult to test, it is not yet a diagnostic that will show us anything, but let me put it this way: it is worth taking this ingredient. When it comes to tests, I will be more specific: a basic blood count should be performed once a year, but I also recommend paid types of tests - vitamin D, B12, iron, but not just iron, but also ferritin, which is a kind of reserve for iron, and also - glucose, insulin, because more and more people suffer from diabetes. Often we are not even aware that a given product may contain sugar, it is not treated as a sweet product, but it still contains sugar, e.g. ketchup.

AC: And what about magnesium?

NN: Magnesium is one of the macroelements that should be supplemented, especially in very active people. Unfortunately, you have to be careful with the form of magnesium, because there are many forms that do not work at all. In addition to the form, we also pay attention to the dose. In general, I believe that magnesium should be taken as a separate product, not as a component of one supplement. As for tests, I would not recommend checking the level of this macroelement regularly, or people who feel that they already have a problem with their nerves may experience some symptoms. It is also nice to check the level of folic acid, especially in women trying to conceive, as well as TSH, which gives an initial picture of the condition of the thyroid gland. I am also a supporter of annual thyroid ultrasound. I also highly recommend the amyltransferase test, which shows us how our internal laboratory, the liver, works. I will also emphasize the lipid profile, because I am a person who practices sports, I try to eat healthily, but I have a gene that causes hypercholesterolemia. Cholesterol is also deadly to us , and thanks to fast food and simple sugars, it often turns out that high cholesterol levels are very common among the entire population.

AC: You said that you recommend taking Omega-3 fatty acids, even if we don't have the opportunity to fully test it. And you also mentioned that the best source of these acids for you is algae...

NN: Yes, algae is the first source and fish are just the middleman. They obtain Omega-3 acids by eating... algae. The second important thing is the low standard of production. This is such a common problem with dietary supplements because the law has very low requirements for the production of supplements. As a result, poor quality products are created.

Reading the statistics, I learned that last year GIS tested only 5% of new products on the supplement market in Poland. It is worth paying attention to where our supplements are produced. When creating nikalab, it was very important to me that our product was produced in places with a GMP certificate, which is applicable to medicines. These are plants that meet the highest pharmaceutical standards. It's great that you mentioned quality tests, because Polish law requires only two tests. It is therefore very easy to introduce a supplement to the market, because all that needs to be demonstrated is the level of heavy metal contamination and microbiological purity. That's it, two tests and you can have your supplement on the market. At nikalab, we have an extension of these requirements and I believe that every manufacturer should apply them. We test our supplements like medicines. Research in independent laboratories is often emphasized, but I believe that this should be extended to two levels: research in the production plant, and then research in independent laboratories, because then the knowledge comes from two sources. You know whether the ingredients that are listed on the label are included in the product, whether stability during the shelf life is also true.

AC: You said something very valuable, namely that every manufacturer should provide the origin of ingredients and scientific research on the website, so that it is transparent and transparent. The truth is that in this day and age, with the current market, any of us could go out and mix it up and make our own supplement.

NN: Unfortunately, I agree with you, in my private life I am very transparent and that's how I try to run my company. All research, every origin, we even show every supplier, because as a consumer I would like to be able to check where a given ingredient comes from. If you have nothing to hide, I think it is worth showing such things, and then the consumer has peace of mind, he knows that he is taking a safe and effective product, because someone has already proven it.

AC: And what else impressed me about you is that you look at ecology. And the amount of drugs and supplements that are consumed by our compatriots and the amount of waste produced by this circumstance is terrifying, we will certainly not recover from it.

NN: I keep emphasizing that the highest value should be the supplement itself, what we take, but I also have this problem that when I order something, regardless of whether it is a supplement or another product, I receive a million boxes that I do not need . Unfortunately, there is a myth on the market that glass is supposed to be a premium material. Data shows that glass is an eco-friendly material when used repeatedly. However, if you buy a juice and throw the glass bottle into the trash immediately after drinking it, it is not eco-friendly.

Only 20% of purchased glass is recycled - that is very little. What about the remaining 80%? A huge amount of CO2 is released in the transport of glass, if I remember correctly from research: one glass bottle is responsible for releasing the equivalent amount of CO2 as seventeen plastic bottles. Just to clarify, I'm not a fan of plastic, but there are alternatives! For me, as a very eco-conscious person, human health is inextricably linked to the health of our planet. You take care of yourself - your body will keep you healthy. You take care of your car - it will serve you for years. You take care of the planet - the planet will reward you with its gifts. If you take care of something, it will reward you with goodness over the years, but very often we forget to take care of our planet. Niklab jars contain compostable material. I don't know if you know, but there is a difference between "compostable" and "biodegradable". Before putting on nikalab, I had no idea that this difference existed. Only when I started digging deeper did I understand that in the case of biodegradable products, the decomposition period can take up to a thousand years. By the way, these are inorganic materials and there is a risk of leaving toxins in the soil. And compostable materials, leaving behind organic matter, decompose in 6 months under appropriate conditions. An additional advantage is that decomposing compostable materials create a kind of bio-hummus, giving the soil minerals on which our carrots will successfully grow. Our jar, made of sugar cane, can be safely thrown into the composter. Therefore, I believe that if we want to live as long as possible on our planet, if we want the soil to give us healthy fruits and vegetables, we must have this ecological awareness.

AC: My grandmother always said "what you sow is what you reap" - regarding everything, including our health. Nina, you also beautifully expressed the issue of preventive examinations - these are not examinations, but prevention should be every day, this everyday hygiene will allow us to maintain health, it won't just happen! You have to go and choose consciously, wisely, read labels! But I also want to mention respect for the planet, not to go to extremes right away, but let's not kill these fish and animals...

NN: Let's not get paranoid here, because that's not good either, but even small steps and setting goals also help. I like to go outside the comfort zone and yes, I know that this means exposing myself to stress, I know that we are not immune to this stress, I am not myself, but I like to add goals that are unrealistic at first glance, but that's it in the end I say, “Yes! I can handle it!". I believe that step by step we are able to change the world, but not one person, mass awareness must work here. We need to talk openly and educate each other.

AC: Yes, inspiration and education. No prohibitions, orders or extremes, just a varied diet of moderation. Just like a sandwich with butter and tomato - it will be delicious, composed of only 3 ingredients, but if it is real bread, real butter and real tomato, the sandwich will be delicious. Nina! What did you have for dinner today?

NN: Today for dinner I ate couscous and salad... I have the advantage that I don't like cooking. And if someone shows me a recipe and I see that it takes more than 20 minutes, I don't make it. I like to eat "raw", and it is also healthy. I'm lucky that my husband cooks a lot, he likes it, and I believe that cooking requires heart. Cooking is impossible without love. I am a supporter of this practical sphere, to make it quick and healthy. Usually it's groats or whole grain pasta with some salad, olive oil, sometimes tofu, many combinations of vegetables, so rather easier dishes. And I don't hide the fact that maybe because I eat this way, I'm often hungry and I eat often. My family spends a lot of time
in the kitchen.

AC: This means that if your husband cooks for you with love, you eat it with love and gratitude!

NN: Yes, yes, I have help and I really appreciate it that by the way we are all slim and we talk about food most of the time.
The publisher does not conduct medical activities.