
How to deal with stress when everything around you is uncertain?

Czas czytania: 1 min
Opublikowano 07/04/2022
Jak poradzić sobie ze stresem, kiedy wszystko wokół jest niepewne?

The war in Ukraine has made us even more tense and stressed than before. When we try not to read the news, we also become anxious. Psychotherapist Katarzyna Kucewicz answers how to take care of the psyche in this situation in NikeLIVE.

When it seemed that the pandemic was coming to an end and that we would be able to breathe, war broke out in Ukraine. This is a situation unlike anything seen in several decades. Already during the pandemic, more and more people suffered from severe depressive and anxiety disorders, and the stress level was very high. Now these numbers are even higher. We are terrified, there are many questions:
  • How to live when everything seems bleak and the future is uncertain?
  • How to deal with powerlessness and helplessness in an uncertain international situation?
  • How to dose negative information and news?
  • What are some simple and effective ways that we can use in our lives today to feel better mentally?
  • How not to miss disturbing signals that we can no longer cope on our own and need to turn to a specialist?

We talked about this (and more) with psychotherapist Katarzyna Kucewicz, owner of the Inner Garden office, during an Instagram live. Please watch it at this link.

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