
Find out how you can help the planet by giving up meat.

Czas czytania: 2 min
Opublikowano 30/12/2022
Kobieta trzyma miskę pełną warzyw: awokado, strączki, kukurydza, kasza, sałata, zrezygnowała z mięsa i stosuje dietę wegańską, aby pomóc planecie.

By 2050, there will be 10 billion people on Earth. People who need to be fed. This means that even more forests will be cut down, rivers and seas will be polluted, and greenhouse gas emissions will increase even further. Solution? Limit your meat consumption. Vegetarianism will pay off for us.

The global food system is responsible for up to 25-30% of greenhouse gas emissions . This percentage is comparable to the share of the energy sector. The meat industry itself is responsible for the emission of up to ¾ of greenhouse gases from the food system - we are talking about both the meat industry in the strict sense, but also the egg and dairy industries. However, the problem is not only - especially in the face of the global climate crisis - greenhouse gas emissions, but also the loss of biodiversity, deforestation and water pollution.

Such conclusions come from, among others: from the 2020 report by FAO, WHO, UNICEF and WFP "The state of food security and nutrition in the world", which is quoted by Polish MEP Sylwia Spurek in her book "Blood, Stink and Tears" . She collected expert opinions and data in an extensive report. The conclusion from this publication is that if we do not limit the consumption of meat, eggs and milk, and the meat industry is not properly regulated, a disaster awaits us .

Farm animals take space from wild animals.

Currently, 3 billion land animals and up to 25 billion fish are bred in the world. The "Living Planet 2020" report shows that today approximately 60% of all mammals on Earth are farm animals , 36% are humans, and only 4% are wild animals . Between 1970 and 2016 there was an average decrease of approximately 68% . Food production is the main cause of declining biodiversity.

Natural animal habitats are converted into areas for grazing animals and growing crops . According to one Dutch study, animal agriculture is responsible for approximately 30% of the current rate and scale of biodiversity loss. According to the latest scientific studies, the livestock sector is largely responsible for the negative impact of agriculture on the environment . In Europe, it is responsible for 78% of the loss of biodiversity on land, 80% of soil acidification and air pollution (emissions of ammonia and nitrogen oxides) and 73% of water pollution. Sounds disastrous, right? However, there is light at the end of the tunnel - specific actions that can be taken.

Consuming less animal products will help rectify the situation.

Research clearly shows that if we reduce the consumption of meat and dairy products in the European Union by half (which simply means that instead of two meat dinners a week we eat one), greenhouse gas emissions will be significantly reduced - up to 40%. Switching to a vegetarian or vegan diet would lead to CO2 reductions of 63% and 70% !

“Let us now imagine a new world in which we limit the consumption of animal products or even give them up completely,” writes Sylwia Spurek. The data she cited clearly shows that there is no other way. The sooner we start eating wisely, the better. Both for us and for the planet .

If lack of knowledge about how to compose a balanced plant-based meal prevents you from limiting your meat consumption, check out this article . Here we have collected some ideas on how to replace meat in a meal. When following a vegetarian and vegan diet, remember to take wise supplementation to replenish any deficiencies.

All data quoted comes from the book by Dr. Sylwia Spurek "Blood, stench and tears"

The publisher does not conduct medical activities.