Jak być świadomą i zdrową kobietą? Rozmowa Justyny Szyc-Nagłowskiej i lek. med. Niny Nicheskiej
Czas czytania: 42 min

How to be a conscious and healthy woman? Conversation between Justyna Szyc-Nagłowska and doctor. med. Nina Nicheska

Building awareness of your body and health is a process that cannot be completed quickly. We need small daily...
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Dr n. med Agnes Frankel w nikaLIVE'ie opowiada o witaminie D w kontekście anti-ageing
Czas czytania: 4 min

nikaLIVE: Vitamin D as an anti-aging ingredient.

In NikeLIVE, Agnes Frankel, M.D., talked about how vitamin D deficiency affects the rate of aging of the body and...
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