Up to 25% of parents of young children report problems with eating to their doctor, but in less than 5% of children the causes of these problems are related to their health . Why this difference? Unfortunately, the most common causes are ignorance of the child's development stages, overinterpretation of the child's signals and parents' worry. Nevertheless, a bad patch can stick to a child for many years.
It seems that this term always appears when a parent wants to talk about a child who does not meet his or her nutritional expectations . The most common eating problems reported by parents are:
In each of these cases, the parent considers his child to be a picky eater. However, it is important to remember that eating problems are often just a natural condition that will pass. It is also worth distinguishing between situations when the child does not want to eat at all and when he or she eats too little (in the opinion of the parents). You can read how to feed a small-eater here . However, in this article we will deal with children who are reluctant to eat at all.
Feeding difficulties usually begin with a disturbed division of roles at the table, starting with the introduction of solid meals to the child's diet. Others have a medical cause, such as systemic diseases, congenital defects or metabolic diseases.
Caregivers hear "I don't want to", "I don't like it", "I won't eat it". It is difficult for a child to answer the parent's "why?" questions. He himself does not yet understand what causes the lack of pleasure in eating or the aversion to certain tastes or smells. Learning to name feelings or emotions together with a parent may be helpful . Describing the taste of food "It's sour, don't you like sour foods?", "It's hard, can't you handle biting hard things?"
However, it sometimes happens that the child is not interested in eating because he does not want to stop playing or other activities. This behavior may have various causes. The child may not be hungry - it is worth checking if and when he eats snacks. They may be bored eating food on their own or may not be interested in it because they have distractions such as television, tablets , computers, and toys around them . Each situation requires recognition and implementation of appropriate actions.
A great help in concentrating on eating is the introduction of "meal time" - it is a simple signal for the child, he understands what expectations we have towards him at a given moment. Preschool children should easily sit at the table for 30 minutes while eating.
The principles of proper nutrition, based on scientific evidence and knowledge, clearly impose roles: the parent decides what the child will eat and when he will eat, and the child is competent enough to decide how much and whether he will eat at all .
The origins of the disorder stem from the common belief among parents that only they know how much their child should eat. Disorder on this line is a source of frustration for both parties, and eating difficulties are very often its consequence. Therefore, it is worth taking care of several elements. Here are 10 rules for a healthy approach to feeding:
In over 80% of cases, feeding difficulties are the result of environmental factors , such as strengthening food aversion by withdrawing them from the child's menu, inappropriate portion size, meal consistency not adapted to the child, force feeding, and others. However, if, despite the parent's friendly attitude, the child does not show interest in meals, he or she may need to consult a doctor.
These signals may indicate possible underlying diseases, including digestive system diseases, hypersensitivities, esophagitis and others.
Bibliography: Szajewska H., "Nutrition and nutritional treatment of children and adolescents", Kraków 2017, 1st edition.
Szajewska H., "Nutrition and nutritional treatment of children and adolescents", Kraków 2017, 1st edition.
Napisała: Magdalena Kubik
Pediatric dietitian, food technologist. He has been helping families fight overweight and food allergies in children for over 10 years. He conducts consultations and lectures for parents and doctors. She cooperated with the Polish Mother's Health Center Institute. He shares his knowledge on the website dietetykdzieciecyradzi.pl. A graduate of Technology of vitamins and food concentrates at the Lodz University of Technology and Dietetics and nutrition planning at the College of Social Sciences.
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