
17 questions for... Katarzyna Niewińska, assistant professor at the Faculty of Management at the University of Warsaw

Czas czytania: 1 min
Opublikowano 08/06/2022
17 pytań do... Katarzyny Niewińskiej, adiunkta na Wydziale Zarządzania Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego

In an interview with nikalab, Katarzyna Niewińska talks about how practicing sports helps her release additional energy in her body, what meditation gives her and how she often feels happy during the day.

How are you feeling today? Fine thank you.

For me, work life balance is... love for work and love for your private life. For me, these two aspects are very important and help me find this balance without any problems.

My most important daily health habits are…

  • Drinking at least 2.5 liters of water.
  • Regular physical activity.
  • Regularity of meals.
  • Healthy and green smoothies for myself and my children.

The sports I practice regularly are... tennis and very intense yoga - a combination of aerobic exercises with elements of yoga.

I spend about 7 hours a week on physical activity .

My motivation for sports is... endorphins and that great feeling after training. Physical activity gives me a huge amount of energy to work and act in general terms. Spine problems and body strengthening also turned me on to this amount of sport.

I meditate because… it brings me to a completely different level of energy in a moment. At first I thought it was nonsense, but when I started going to yoga, I discovered that even 5 minutes of meditation allows me to calm down and ground myself.

My diet is based on... seafood, fish, vegetables and fruit. I don't like meat, so I limit it to almost nothing and try not to eat simple carbohydrates.

I end the day with... long conversations with my husband, and sometimes watching a TV series or a movie.

I spend… 6-7 hours sleeping , which is definitely not enough. As a mother of two small children, I don't have time for more.

The thing I do only for myself is... yoga, tennis and making sure I always have time for it.

My little sins are... good quality desserts that are easy to tempt me into.

Happiness for me is... the moment when I look ahead and smile to myself because I have a nice life. Interestingly, I have a lot of such moments during the day.

Luxury for me is... time when I'm bored and can do what I want at a slow pace.

My small, everyday steps in taking care of the planet are…

  • My whole family is great at sorting waste.
  • I limit meat.
  • I drink water from a water bottle, not a plastic bottle. My students motivated me to do this and I can't imagine it any other way.

The advice I would give myself if I were 20 again is... be brave!

A podcast I recently listened to and recommend is… Brené Brown “Dare to Lead.”

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