Wodorobursztynian D-alfa tokoferolu
Vaneeghen, Holandia
Octan D-alfa tokoferylu
DSM Nutritional Products
Martha Clare Morris et al. Arch Neurol. 2002 Jul;59(7):1125-32. Vitamin E and cognitive decline in older persons.
Giorgio La Fata,* Peter Weber, and M. Hasan Mohajeri. Nutrients. 2014 Dec; 6(12): 5453–5472. Published online 2014 Nov 28. Effects of Vitamin E on Cognitive Performance during Ageing and in Alzheimer’s Disease.
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Chung-Yung Jetty Lee, Fan Wan. The Journal of Nutrition, Volume 130, Issue 12, December 2000, Pages 2932–2937. Vitamin E Supplementation Improves Cell-Mediated Immunity and Oxidative Stress of Asian Men and Women.
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