Prof. Agnieszka Słomka-Gołębiowska, przewodnicząca Rady Nadzorczej mBank SA
Czas czytania: 3 min

17 questions for… prof. Agnieszka Słomka-Gołębiowska, Chairwoman of the Supervisory Board of mBank SA

Prof. Agnieszka Słomka-Gołębiowska talks to nikalab about when she finds time for meditation, how often she eats meat and how...
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Natalia Jaszczyk w rozmowie z nikalab opowiada o tym, czym jest dla niej szczęście.
Czas czytania: 3 min

17 questions for... Natalia Jaszczyk, managing director of SANA Consulting

In an interview with nikalab, Natalia Jaszczyk talks about why she prefers moving meditation, how micronutrition helps her and shares...
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Your daily dose of well-being.
Dietary supplements. For the sake of health, well-being and beauty.
Aleksandra Chrzanowska, General Manager at Eti, opowiada o tym, co jest dla niej luksusem.
Czas czytania: 3 min

17 questions for... Aleksandra Chrzanowska

In an interview with nikalab, Aleksandra Chrzanowska talks about what her youngest son has changed in her perception...

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Ewa Dąbrowska opowiada o tym, dlaczego medytuje
Czas czytania: 3 min

17 questions for... Ewa Dąbrowska, Managing Director Corporate Business at Nationale-Nederlanden Polska

In an interview with nikalab, Ewa Dąbrowska talks about why she sleeps only 6 hours a day, how yoga replaced...
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17 pytań do ... Marty van der Toolen, założycielki i prezesa FertiMedica Centrum Wspierania Płodności
Czas czytania: 2 min

17 questions for... Marta van der Toolen, founder and president of FertiMedica Fertility Support Center

In an interview with nikalab, Marta van der Toolen talks about why she doesn't meditate, what she drinks instead of...
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17 pytań do... Katarzyny Niewińskiej, adiunkta na Wydziale Zarządzania Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
Czas czytania: 1 min

17 questions for... Katarzyna Niewińska, assistant professor at the Faculty of Management at the University of Warsaw

In an interview with nikalab, Katarzyna Niewińska talks about how practicing sports helps her release additional energy in her body,...
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Corinne Klajda opowiada o swoim stylu życia
Czas czytania: 1 min

17 questions for… Corinne Klajda, founding member of AltoPartners

Corinne Klajda talks to nikalab about how she regenerates her body, how she starts her day and when she takes...
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Renata Filipek-Baryłowska opowiada o tym, czym jest dla niej work-life balance
Czas czytania: 3 min

17 questions for... Renata Filipek-Baryłowska, director of the Telemedicine Department in the NEUCA Group

In an interview with nikalab, Renata Filipek-Baryłowska talks about why she doesn't like the word "luxury", how golf can replace...
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The publisher does not conduct medical activities.