Odkryj złoty trójkąt zdrowych kości: magnez, witamina D3 i witamina K2
Czas czytania: 11 min

Discover the golden triangle of healthy bones: magnesium, vitamin D3 and vitamin K2

Problems with bone regeneration may occur after the age of 30. However, natural changes in bone structure that...
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Kobieta w czapce morsuje zimą.
Czas czytania: 2 min

What does winter swimming give us?

Increasingly popular around the world, winter swimming is not a new trend - it has been practiced for centuries....
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Your daily dose of well-being.
Dietary supplements. For the sake of health, well-being and beauty.
Rozstępy na skórze kobiety ciężarnej
Czas czytania: 3 min

How does the skin change during pregnancy?

Pregnancy is a huge burden on a woman's body. The changes that take place in it also affect the skin....
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Kobieta, której boli kręgosłup
Czas czytania: 3 min

ABC of a healthy spine.

Most Poles suffer from back pain. We usually go to the doctor when the pain is unbearable or makes it...
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The publisher does not conduct medical activities.