Kobieta w czapce morsuje zimą.
Czas czytania: 2 min

What does winter swimming give us?

Increasingly popular around the world, winter swimming is not a new trend - it has been practiced for centuries....
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Kobieta w żółtej koszulce trzyma słoiczek pełen kapsułek nikalab, w tle rok 2023
Czas czytania: 2 min

How to keep your New Year's resolutions?

Every year it's the same: at the beginning of the New Year we make resolutions. We promise ourselves...
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Your daily dose of well-being.
Dietary supplements. For the sake of health, well-being and beauty.
Kobieta prowadząca dziennik wdzięczności, zastanawia się, jakie korzyści zdrowotne to może przynieść.
Czas czytania: 3 min

How gratitude can improve your health.

It helps you sleep better, supports immunity, effectively combats the effects of stress and protects the heart. It's...
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Młoda kobieta zastanawia się, czy warto polegać na sile woli podczas zmiany nawyków.
Czas czytania: 3 min

Why shouldn't you rely on willpower when changing habits?

As research shows, better self-control is not a guarantee of success. It's quite the opposite. The more we...
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Zadowolona dziewczyna, która pokochała i zaakceptowała siebie
Czas czytania: 4 min

Why is it so hard to love yourself and what to do about it?

Speak well of yourself, learn to forgive yourself for mistakes and mistakes, and be grateful. Seemingly hackneyed advice...
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Jak dostosować styl życia do cyklu menstruacyjnego.
Czas czytania: 5 min

How to adapt your lifestyle to your menstrual cycle.

Each of us has complained about hormones at times. Depending on the phase of the cycle, they can...
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Kobieta odpoczywająca po treningu
Czas czytania: 2 min

Cool down and shower, or what to do after training.

Training, regardless of the type, is a big challenge for the body. Therefore, what we do after them...
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Młode kobiety, które piją po lampce wina co wieczór
Czas czytania: 3 min

Is a glass of wine with dinner every night considered alcoholism?

Young Polish women addicted to alcohol are increasingly going to therapy offices, but they seek help much...

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