Biała filiżanka ze spodkiem, wypełniona kawą. Pytanie: kawa wypłukuje magnez fakt czy mit? Logo nikalab.
Czas czytania: 5 min

Coffee leaches magnesium: fact or myth?

We invite you to explore the coffee riddle: does your favorite drink lower the level of magnesium...
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Magnez w diecie: kiedy warto sięgnąć po suplementację?
Czas czytania: 8 min

Magnesium in the diet: when is it worth supplementing?

Fatigue, headaches, insulin resistance - these ailments may be related to magnesium deficiency. Find out why the diet...
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Your daily dose of well-being.
Dietary supplements. For the sake of health, well-being and beauty.
Co jeść zimą, aby się pokrzepić?
Czas czytania: 2 min

What to eat in winter to refresh yourself?

In winter, we gain an average of 3 kilograms. Metabolism slows down, and during the infection season, immunity...

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Na blacie kuchennym stoi zaparzona metoda alternatywną kawa. Kawa jest w dzbanku, na którym stoi drip. Dookoła porozrzucane są ziarna kawy 100% arabica.
Czas czytania: 4 min

If not coffee, then what?

The average European drinks four cups of coffee a day, and globally we drink as many as 40...
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koktajle które pije się na diecie SIRT
Czas czytania: 3 min

SIRT diet for weight loss – is it healthy?

Ever since singer Adele revealed that her spectacular metamorphosis was the result of, among other things, the SIRT diet, this...
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Jak wygląda talerz zdrowego odżywiania Niny Nicheskiej?
Czas czytania: 3 min

What does a plate of healthy eating look like? Nina Nicheska?

To the question "How to take care of your health?" MD Nina Nicheska answers – holistically, and the...
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Róznokolorowe warzywa zawierające duże ilości przeciwutleniaczy
Czas czytania: 4 min

Antioxidants: why is balance important?

Antioxidants are considered an anti-aging agent. And although there are many proven benefits from consuming them, also when...
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Kostki cukru, spożywanie którego w dużych ilościach skraca życie o 15 lat
Czas czytania: 6 min

Sweet but short? How will we live if we do not limit our sugar consumption?

Is sugar really a "silent killer"? Let's check what the science says about how excessive consumption affects our...
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