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Everyday base for children from nikalab in the form of jellies: why is it worth supplementing?

Czas czytania: 12 min
Opublikowano 11/12/2023
Baza na co dzień dla dzieci od nikalab w postaci żelków: dlaczego warto ją suplementować?

Selective eating is a common problem among children and teenagers. It is also a challenge for parents who want to provide their children with all the necessary nutrients. That's why we have created a dietary supplement that helps replenish deficiencies, has a delicious taste and at the same time a clean composition, is without added sugar and does not contain artificial sweeteners.

One of the main challenges parents and caregivers face is providing their children with enough vitamins, minerals and other ingredients that are crucial for their development. At the same time, more and more children and teenagers approach food selectively, excluding products or entire groups of products from their menu. As for Poland, we do not have specific statistics, but in English-speaking countries it is estimated that food selectivity may affect up to every second preschooler and almost every third school student 1 . A restricted diet in children often means that many important nutrients may be missed.

Many parents put great effort (and a lot of money) into ensuring that their children eat healthy and varied foods. However, it is not always possible to control the menu in kindergarten or school, and even the most varied and colorful plate or lunchbox with home-made healthy food is not a guarantee that the child will willingly eat everything.

Even if we have drawn a "lucky number" and our child eats broccoli and beetroot, we still cannot be sure that he or she gets everything he or she needs in the right amount. Research by the Bionutrient Food Association has proven that the content of valuable substances in agricultural products can vary greatly depending on the conditions of plant cultivation. For example, beetroot from mass farming may contain 9 times less and blueberries 8 times less nutrients than we can expect 2 .

Studies involving adults also prove that even a varied diet is often not able to provide us with all the ingredients in sufficiently large quantities. Here are just a few examples:

  • Only 20% of people consume the recommended daily dose of Omega- 3 fatty acids
  • 90% of Poles may be deficient in vitamin D 4
  • 90% of people do not eat enough choline 5 .

However, the developing body critically needs proper nutrition. Deficiencies and deficiencies in the diet at this stage may contribute to the development of chronic diseases, disorders of body functions, weakened immunity, delay in physical and intellectual development, and digestive problems. Some disorders caused by deficiencies in childhood may manifest themselves only in adulthood.

In this context, the role of wise dietary supplementation in children increases, as it would be able to support the growing body and supplement a varied diet with ingredients necessary for proper development. Out of concern for the health of preschoolers, primary school students and teenagers, we have created the dietary supplement Everyday Base Child · Me (3+ years) in the form of jellies. Niklab jellies are suitable for vegans, they have no added sugar or sweeteners, but they have a delicious taste and are a concentrated source of critically important nutrients for the body.

The jellies were created to supplement the diet of children with those vitamins and minerals that are most often missing. Their task is to support the daily, proper growth and development of our children.

Innovative jellies from nikalab contain:

  • Omega-3 acids (DHA + EPA) from algae
  • vitamins - D3 (from algae) + K2, B12, B4 (choline), E, ​​C and iodine
  • organic tapioca fiber.

nikalab jellies - what effects can you expect?

Thanks to innovative technologies at nikalab, we have combined Omega-3 acids (DHA + EPA), vitamins, iodine and fiber in one dietary supplement for children in the form of a jelly. Even though the ingredients are combined, they maintain their stability and have a pleasant taste without the need to use chemical flavors. This means that you can give up several dietary supplements from different manufacturers and choose one vegan daily base from nikalab with a natural composition.

Everyday base Child · Me holistically supports the needs of the developing body and serves as a supplement (not a substitute!) for a varied diet. Let's take a look at the benefits offered by its active ingredients.

Omega-3 acids.

We have included Omega-3 acids from algae (EPA + DHA) in nikalab jellies. EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) are the two most important types of Omega-3 fatty acids and are considered the most effective in terms of their effect on the human body. Why are they important in a child's diet? DHA acids contribute to maintaining the proper functioning of the brain 6 and eyesight 7 , and together with EPA acids, they also support the proper functioning of the heart 8 .

Additionally, scientific research also indicates that Omega-3 fatty acids reduce the production of pro-inflammatory molecules in the body (e.g. cytokines and eicosanodia) 9,10 . Scientists in many studies observe the relationship between supplementation with Omega-3 acids and alleviating inflammation in the body 11,12 , which is the basis for the development of various types of diseases.

Scientific research also indicates that sufficient consumption of Omega-3 fatty acids helps reduce the risk of asthma and atopy in children 13 and may reduce symptoms of hyperactivity and ADHD 14,15 by improving the ability to focus, learn, remember and read.

Moreover, Omega-3 acids, as shown by scientific research, are known for their properties that improve sleep16 and mood. Research has proven that people who regularly consume EPA and DHA acids also have a lower risk of depression 17 .

Omega-3 acids from nikalab do not have an intense fishy smell. Our Omega-3 fatty acids are also free from heavy metals, pollutants and toxins. They do not contain allergens and their production is planet-friendly. You can read more about Omega-3 acids from nikalab here .

Vitamins D3 and K2. 

Everyday base Child · Me contains vegan vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol from algae) and vitamin K2 (Menaquinone-7). Vitamin D is necessary for the proper functioning of immunity in children 18 . Scientific research shows that supplementing its deficiencies helps reduce the risk of bacterial and viral infections (especially those related to the respiratory system), allergies and autoimmune diseases 19 .

Scientific research also proves that there is a relationship between vitamin D deficiency and the occurrence of depression 20 , skin diseases (including acne 21 ), diabetes 22 and other ailments. You can read more about why vitamin D is crucial for our health, and why we cannot rely on the sun as its main source, in a separate article .

It is also worth remembering that vitamin D deficiency is much more common in overweight or obese children and adolescents compared to their healthy weight peers 23 . If your child has this problem, pay special attention to supplementing deficiencies, balanced meals, nutritious sleep and sufficient levels of physical activity (and also check out this article in which a pediatric dietitian advises how to prevent obesity and overweight).

Vitamin D3 in nikalab jellies works in tandem with vitamin K2 24 . Together they also support the growth and health of bones 25 , muscles 26 and teeth 27 in children. Vitamin D helps absorb calcium, and vitamin K - directs it to bone tissue (read more about their synergistic effect in this article ).

The vitamins D3 and K2 that we use come in forms that are perfectly digestible for the body. They are also vegan, unlike popular products with vitamin D3, most of which comes from lanolin (sheep's wool fat). Vitamin D3 from nikalab is obtained from algae and does not contribute to animal suffering in any way (you can read about why vitamin D from lanolin is unethical in a separate article ).

Vitamin B12.

It is critically important for the nervous system 28 and contributes to the proper functioning of psychological functions 29 .

Scientific research also indicates that vitamin B12 is crucial for brain development, efficient memory, the ability to concentrate and other cognitive functions 30 . It also helps regulate circadian rhythm and sleep 31 . Research shows that vitamin B12 deficiency in children may cause symptoms of autism 32 as well as developmental delays (including speech), behavioral problems, motor disorders (fine and gross), and muscle weakness 33 .

Vitamin B12 also supports the proper formation of red blood cells 34 . Its deficiencies may lead to anemia (anemia may be caused not only by iron deficiency). Moreover, it supports the proper functioning of the immune system 35 .

The source of vitamin B12 in the diet are animal products. If your child avoids or limits them (as recommended by dietitians), he or she may not be getting enough vitamin B12. However, even if you eat meat, there is still a risk of deficiency because the absorption of this vitamin depends on many factors, including stress levels, the condition of the digestive organs and the use of medications. You can learn more about why not only people who limit their meat consumption are at risk of vitamin B12 deficiency in this text .

In nikalab jellies you will find vitamin B12, also suitable for vegans, in the form of cyanocobalamin. It is a scientifically well-researched form of vitamin B12 in terms of its effectiveness and safety, and at the same time a very stable form, which is especially important in the case of a dietary supplement in jellies.


As we mentioned above, despite the apparent availability of this compound in the diet (e.g. in egg yolks), most people do not eat enough choline. Additionally, the situation is complicated by the fact that every second of us may have genetic mutations that cause faster consumption of choline in the body ( read more about it here ).

Choline is sometimes said to be an "underestimated compound". It is best known for supporting liver health 36 . Additionally, scientific research proves that its functions are extensive and very important for the entire organism37 (including the growing one):

  • it is part of the membranes of every cell in the body and also participates in DNA synthesis;
  • is necessary for the production of neurotransmitters, which affects brain function, memory and concentration;
  • helps in the metabolism of fats and prevents the accumulation of cholesterol in blood vessels;
  • supports muscle function and participates in their construction.

Everyday base Child · Me (3+ years) contains choline of vegan origin in an optimally digestible form (choline bitartrate) and helps supplement the child's diet with this important ingredient.

Vitamin E.

Most often associated with its antioxidant and anti-aging properties, vitamin E is equally important during adolescence. As scientists point out, it is necessary for the proper functioning of immunity 38 , it helps transmit signals between cells, influences the functioning of genes, and regulates the division and formation of new cells 39 . Research also shows that vitamin E supports lung health and may alleviate asthma symptoms in children 40 .

As an antioxidant, vitamin E can support the children's body by limiting the harmful effects of exposure to cigarette smoke in the environment and air pollution, which is an inherent part of life in cities.

In nikalab jellies you will find vitamin E in the easily digestible form of d-alpha tocopheryl acetate.

Vitamin C.

Seemingly available everywhere in vegetables and fruits, vitamin C is very sensitive to oxidation, changes in air temperature, all types of product processing, transport and storage. This increases the risk of deficiency of the "capricious" vitamin in the diet. At the same time, as research shows, its role in the body is enormous and even covers the regulation of the operation of our genes, as well as all aspects related to the growth and development of the child's body 41 .

Vitamin C supports the proper functioning of the immune system 42 (also during and after intense physical exercise 43 ) and the nervous system 44 and contributes to the proper functioning of psychological functions 45 . It is an important link in the process of collagen formation, which is necessary, among others, for the health of teeth 46 and blood vessels 47 . Vitamin C also increases the absorption of iron from food ,48 which helps prevent anemia, which is particularly dangerous in children (it may negatively affect physical and intellectual development, leading to delays in development and problems with learning and concentration).

In nikalab jellies you will find as much as 50% of the daily recommended dose of vitamin C for children in the form of ascorbic acid.


Deficiency of this element may affect almost 30% of school-age children 49 . Iodine is involved in the production of thyroid hormones, which in turn regulate the metabolic rate by influencing the functions of many organs and tissues50 :

  • they regulate heat production and maintain body temperature,
  • are important for the proper growth and development of the body, especially in children,
  • affect heart function, blood pressure and circulation,
  • regulate intestinal peristalsis and the secretion of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, which affects digestion,
  • affect brain functions, influencing mood, concentration and memory,
  • they influence the secretion of sex hormones, which is particularly important in teenagers.

Iodine, essential in the process of creating thyroid hormones, supports normal growth in children 51 , the functioning of the nervous system 52 and the development of cognitive and neurological functions .

Scientific research also proves that iodine supports immunity also through direct action (not only as a component of thyroid hormones) 53 .

In the composition of the Everyday Base Child · Me (3+ years) from nikalab you will find iodine in the biologically active form of potassium iodide, which will help to compensate for the deficiency of this element.

Without added sugar, sweeteners and other unnecessary additives.

Popular dietary supplements for children available on the market (primarily those with Omega-3 acids) often contain artificial flavors, dyes and flavors that mask the active ingredients hidden in them and make the product more attractive in the eyes of children. However, these additives may have a negative impact on the children's body:

  • sensitize,
  • irritate the digestive system,
  • affect the nervous system, e.g. causing hyperactivity or excitability,
  • contribute to the development of addiction (e.g. to a sweet taste).

You won't find any harmful chemical additives in nikalab jellies. Our unique taste of fruit jellies is based on natural, safe ingredients. Instead of sugar or other sweeteners, we use organic apple juice concentrate. It is also combined with the innovative FiberSMART® tapioca fiber. This special type of fiber is digested slowly, which helps reduce the potential rise in blood glucose levels. Additionally, the fat present in our jellies - Omega-3 from algae (EPA + DHA) - helps alleviate the body's reaction to glucose.

When creating the Everyday Base Child · Me (3+ years), our goal was to avoid sudden spikes in sugar levels after consuming it, as these spikes may lead to excessive excitability and sudden mood changes in children. You can read why we believe that sugar and sweeteners should not be included in dietary supplements for children in a separate article .

Our jellies do not contain fillers, anti-caking agents, preservatives, GMOs or other unnecessary chemical additives. In the production process, we do not use products of animal origin, such as shellac (resin from insect excrement, which is used to make e.g. dragees or candies shiny) or gelatin (which is obtained, among others, from animal skin and bones).

Everyday base Child · Me (3+ years) does not contain allergens - gluten, soy or lactose.

Gummies developed by doctors and dieticians, produced to the highest pharmaceutical standard.

An interdisciplinary team of specialists: paediatricians, scientists, and dieticians worked on the composition of the Everyday Child · Me Database (3+ years). We used their professional experience and the results of clinical trials on the effectiveness of individual ingredients. We combined the knowledge of specialists with technological innovations during the production process. We also wanted the jellies, like other Nikalab dietary supplements, to be produced in plants with GMP certification, which is applicable to medicines.

As a result, we have created the right combination of top-quality ingredients from top European suppliers. Our jellies are produced in the most rigorous pharmaceutical conditions, and we additionally subject them to detailed quality tests carried out in accredited laboratories. We not only talk about the uncompromising quality of our products, but also show it - in the form of publicly available test certificates. You can read them on our website .

A supplement for children in the form of jellies that helps take care of the planet.

We consciously refrain from using glass and avoid plastic, both in the packaging of the jellies and in the shipping materials. Our packaging system has been carefully designed to reduce material use, and our jars and shipping envelopes are made from natural, compostable materials.

In this way, we ensure that carbon dioxide emissions are reduced both in the production process and during transport, and at the same time we guarantee a high quality standard (our jars have the ISO6 pharmaceutical certificate). You can read more about our ecological mission on a separate page .

We also support ecological initiatives:

  • the Seabin project , which aims to clean the oceans of plastic (so far, thanks to us, over 220 kg of plastic has been collected)
  • the Trace initiative , which deals with removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

We talked in more detail about what distinguishes our children's supplement in the form of jellies also in this article . You will receive more information about the composition of the product and available purchase options on a dedicated website .


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