Czy rodzicielstwo bliskości oznacza poświęcanie się dla dziecka?
Czas czytania: 4 min

Does attachment parenting mean sacrificing yourself for your child?

There are actually no rules in attachment parenting. There is love and presence. And lots and lots of...
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Kobieta wykonująca masaż twarzy by opóźnić pojawienie się zmarszczek.
Czas czytania: 3 min

Sunscreen, diet and yoga, or how to delay the appearance of wrinkles.

They appear when the skin begins to lose its firmness. Wrinkles. And although there is nothing to be ashamed of...
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Your daily dose of well-being.
Dietary supplements. For the sake of health, well-being and beauty.
Kobieta czytająca książkę doświadczająca JOMO – Joy of Missing Out
Czas czytania: 3 min

JOMO – the digital detox you need.

FOMO frustrates, JOMO rebuilds. Joy of Missing Out, as it stands for JOMO, is a rescue for everyone tired of...
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Rozstępy na skórze kobiety ciężarnej
Czas czytania: 3 min

How does the skin change during pregnancy?

Pregnancy is a huge burden on a woman's body. The changes that take place in it also affect the skin....
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Ginekolog Mariusz Łukaszuk mówi o tym, że menopauza wywołuje zmiany w całym organizmie kobiety
Czas czytania: 12 min

How to go through menopause gently?

In an interview for nikaMag, gynecologist Mariusz Łukaszuk talks about when to start preparing the body for menopause,...
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Para, która rozmawia o seksie bez wstydu
Czas czytania: 2 min

How to talk about sex without shame?

Pandemic, war, inflation. In addition, there is a crisis of masculinity, which more and more psychologists and sociologists are talking...
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Kobieta, która odczuwa wypalenie zawodowe
Czas czytania: 3 min

Burnout – how to deal with it?

Are you constantly tired, and the thought of going to work makes you feel reluctant and you have no desire...
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Smutna kobieta która doświadcza mobbingu w pracy
Czas czytania: 3 min

Mobbing at work – what do you need to know and how to defend yourself?

Mobbing is common in Poland. Superiors mobbing, and employees often remain silent for fear of losing their jobs. Fortunately, more...
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